Aquat Sci 68:374–399, Friedel MH, Grice AC, Clarkson JR et al (2010) How well are we currently dealing with contentious plants? Herbaceous swamp vegetation dominates areas covered by water for six to nine months a year. In the South Alligator valley there is a juncture of two biogeographical systems. With the onset of the wet season, when the billabongs and swamps start to fill with water, the night air is filled with the sounds of frogs such as the northern bullfrog and the marbled frog. Among the animals that are harder to spot are the brightly coloured hooded parrot, the endangered Gouldian finch, the vulnerable red goshawk, and nocturnal animals such as Calaby's mouse and the Kakadu dunnart. Kakadu is a place of enormous biological diversity. When the monsoon rains arrive and flooding begins the rats move into adjacent woodlands.
The habitats of the southern hills and basins support several endemic plants (plants not found anywhere else in the world). Early in the morning, large numbers of these dragonflies can be seen descending down from high in the trees to sun themselves and raising their body temperatures for efficient functioning.
The paperbark forests that fringe the floodplains provide ideal nesting sites for wetland birds such as the jabiru, the white-bellied sea eagle, the whistling kite and the green pygmy goose. The evening is usually announced by the raucous call of the blue-winged kookaburra, while at night the distinctive 'woof-woof' of the barking owl can often be heard. As the floodplains start to dry, waterbirds and crocodiles seek refuge in the remaining wet areas such as Yellow Water. Report to Natural Resources Section, Parks Australia. Some plants also act as seasonal indicators, telling Bininj/Mungguy when to harvest certain foods or start patch burning the country. Technical memorandum. These landforms are home to a range of plants and animals, endemic to Kakadu. Estuarine crocodiles are most common in tidal rivers, floodplain billabongs and coastal waters but are also found in freshwater billabongs and waterways as far inland as the base of the escarpment. Most of the nest construction and weaving is conducted at night with major workers weaving towards the exterior of the nests and minor workers weaving within the interior. The incidence of environmental weeds in Australia, Kowari 2:1–134 Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service, Canberra, pp 1–127, Hunter F, Ibbett M, Salau B (2010) Weed management in Kakadu National Park. Some live in and on trees; some live completely underground. Also common throughout the lowlands is Gilbert's dragon, often called the ta-ta lizard because of its habit of waving its front feet. The maximum size for a 'freshie' is three metres, where as a 'saltie' can exceed six metres. Sparsely distributed pockets of woodland and open forest have developed on these coarse soils. Australian Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Canberra. Estuaries and tidal flats can be seen at West Alligator Head and in the lower sections of the South and East Alligator Rivers. The top of the plateau is a harsh, dry place. Each year they leave their breeding grounds at the end of the northern summer to fly south to warmer climates. Some mammals move between habitats in response to changing conditions. They form important nurseries for many fish including barramundi. Many species occur and by far the majority are grass-feeders rather than timber pests. This plant can be recognised by its leaf arrangement. Honeyeaters and parrots are particularly common. Australian Nature Conservation Agency, Darwin, pp 1–14, Rea N, Storrs MJ (1999) Weed invasions in wetlands of Australia’s Top End: reasons and solutions. Wildl Res 32:447–457, Finlayson CM (2005) Plant ecology of Australia’s tropical floodplain wetlands: a review. Dingoes are also often seen crossing roads. This information can be found at its original source, The Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts. © 2013–2020 Parks Australia (Commonwealth of Australia). Austr J Exp Agric Anim Husb 3:170–172, Walden D, Bayliss P (2003) An ecological risk assessment of the major weeds on the Magela Creek floodplain, Kakadu National Park, Internal report 439. Paynter Q, Flanagan GJ (2004) Integrating herbicide and mechanical control treatments with fire and biological control to manage an invasive wetland shrub, Pettit N, Townsend S, Dixon I et al (2011) Plant communities of aquatic and riverine habitats. Conservation Commission of the NT, Darwin, Winders CW (1937) Sown pastures and their management. Kakadu is a place of enormous biological diversity. At night they feast on fruit and the nectar of woodland flowers, pollinating flowers and dispersing seeds as they feed. Mar Freshw Res 56:329–342, Dudley N (ed) (2008) Guidelines for applying protected area management categories. Many remain dormant during rainless times. Non-venomous olive, carpet and children's pythons are most often seen at night on the roads. Please make sure you take note of the crocodile warning signs and remain alert at all times. Among the insect groups are grasshoppers, beetles, flies, termites, butterflies and moths, bees, wasps, ants, dragonflies and damsel flies, caddis flies, non-biting midges and mayflies. Cast nets, traps, spear guns and crab pots are not permitted but can be left at the Bowali Visitor Centre during your stay. In: Press AJ, Lea DM, Webb A et al (eds) Kakadu: natural and cultural heritage and management. The traditional owners from this region call the grasshopper Alyurr, meaning children of the lightning man, Namarrgon, a powerful ancestral being. The capsules split open to release a cotton wool-like material called kapok to which the seeds are attached. These canines are thought to have reached Australia in the company of humans about 5,000 years ago. Paperbark forests are also home to the brush cuckoo, the lemon-bellied flycatcher, the rufous-banded honeyeater, and the restless flycatcher. Despite the fact that Kakadu supports many thousands of insect species, these creatures are often overlooked by visitors. How long have Aboriginal people lived in Kakadu? Clumps of freshwater mangroves (itchy tree), pandanus and paperbarks are found on slightly higher ground.
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