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To search our [] left: 0; width: 50%; #calendar-pnl-title { color: #FFF; } margin: 10px 0 0; text-decoration: none; $(this).parent().prev().children().children().next().append(moveArticle); border-style: solid; left: 0; .more-link-under { .gb-mystart-search-btn:hover span, } $('#youtube-video-outer').attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); top: 73px !important; var isAnyActiveOSA = 'False'; Website. } BOE Office 419-935-1541. padding-left: 15px; /* MATCH WITH ABOVE */ } bottom: 8px; #sw-content-layout10 #sw-content-container3 { var siteNameLength = siteName.length; } Our school . padding-bottom: 7px; color: #BDCDFB; /* GroupEnd */ font-family: 'Arial'; fill: transparent; $(this).find('ul.sw-dropdown').css('display', 'block').attr('aria-hidden', 'false').find('a').attr('tabIndex', 0).last().focus(); } } if(mOption) { } height: $(window).height() - $('nav').height(), .cs-acfs { } #hp-scroller .hp-headline-controls a.more-link:focus, -webkit-box-orient: horizontal; border: 10px solid #FFF; "link2" : { closeDrop = setTimeout(function(){ } #hp-scroller.color-White .ui-widget-header h1 { "fullScreenBreakpoints" : ["960"], background-image: none !important; if($(this).hasClass('paused')){ You'll receive a receipt to give to your parent/guardian. var vidWidth = screenWidth, vidHeight = 0; $(top_level_nav).click(function (e) { $(this).removeClass('open').attr('aria-expanded', 'false'); if ($(this).parent('li').find('ul').length > 0) { #PiranhaPride -moz-box-sizing: border-box; });*/ Frances Willard Elementary serves K-6th grade students and is part of Garvey School District. width: auto; } Bertha Benavides, Principal1342 North Ross Street. clear: left; } width: 8px; } } } $(this).next('ul').find('a').each(function() { if (e.keyCode == 9) { } #gb-footer-links .gb-footer-link a:focus { // my account dropdown -webkit-transition: background 0.3s ease-in-out; }); We are proud to have had a Norfolk Public Schools' Teacher of the Year, Mr. Matthew Roadruck (2014). color: #BDCDFB; box-sizing: border-box; background: transparent; "SetTemplateProps": function() { position: relative; font: 400 12px/1 Arial,"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; padding-top: 10px; .cs-ais { float: none !important; #sw-search-input:-moz-placeholder { /* Firefox 18- */ right: 58px; width: auto; /* GroupBegin Channel Bar Styles */ #gb-schoolwires-footer-outer { -moz-transform: rotate(-90deg); .gb-mystart-dropdown .gb-dropdown ul li a:hover, .gb-schoolwires-footer.links a:nth-child(2) .footer-bull { border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.2); For inquiries related to Section 504, please contact: Bianca Barquin, Assistant Superintendent, K-12 Teaching and Learning and District Section 504 Coordinator, 1601 E. Chestnut Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92701, or by phone at (714) 558-5656 or via email at Bianca.Barquin@sausd.us. // FOR SCOPE display: -ms-flexbox; if ($(this).parent('li').next('li').length == 0) { color: #333; "svg" : "" z-index: 100; "mainControls" : "yes", Mailing Address. line-height: 1.5; #hp-content-outer #hp-scroller div.ui-widget.app div.ui-widget-header:before, } Journalism: Willarko Yearbook. }, 500); Three months later, her body is found in Trinity County, on property owned . $('#audio-btn').click(function(){ #gb-logo { margin-left: 0; } } "showTranslate" : true, } .gb-social-item.instagram a { margin-right: 0; $(document).on("click", ".sw-mystart-dropdown", function(e) { .using-large-mmr-true #hp-slideshow .rs-gallery-container, 419-935-5341 . $('#sw-search-input').on('keydown', function(e) { player.mute(); if($('#gb-channel-list-outer').hasClass('sticky')) { margin: 0; padding: 0 30px; color: #FFF; .sp #gb-tagline { background: rgba(0,0,0,0.50); //--> Hide Scroller content. color: #FFF; }); border-right: 1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.2); right: auto; padding: 10px; One Flashes Avenue. 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BFMS Rotating Schedule 2022-2023. } .H2_Template { ul.sw-channel-list { "buttonColor" : "#333", //COLOR TO BE USED FOR THE BACK AND NEXT BUTTONS (i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments) "instagram" : { "url" : "", $('#hp-gallery-desc-wrapper').append(''); #hp-image-link-title:after, }); } #hp-scroller div.ui-widget.app.upcomingevents .ui-article { events: { $(this).val("Search here"); width: auto; Get Started Package Includes: 2023 Willard Grade Center Yearbook . } "customElement": { // ONLY FOR FRAMESET AND API VERSIONS top: 1px; } #gb-global-icons-outer { /* GroupBegin Global */ .hide480, width: 50%; -ms-flex-item-align: end; position: relative; $('[id="channel-navigation"]').find('a').last().keydown(function (e) { margin: 2px 5px 2px 0px; height: 100px; "url" : "https://www.sausd.us/domain/8053" width: 100%; text-align: center; "fullScreenVideo" : "no", player.playVideo(); #Oneidastrong, Remote / Hybrid Learning ThoughtExchange Results. if ($(element).next('ul').length > 0) { float: none; #hp-content-lower { padding: 0; /*** Justify Content ****/ -webkit-transition: transform 0.3s ease-in-out; "icon2" : ["Site Utility/8.png", "Calendar", "", "_self"], // ARRAY ORDER - IMAGE, TEXT, LINK, TARGET if (onscreenAlertCookie == '' || onscreenAlertCookie == undefined) { }, width: 100%; If the answer is no, ask to speak to the school's yearbook adviser. .show768 { .find('a').attr('tabIndex', 0) } #sw-content-layout3 #sw-content-container3, -webkit-text-size-adjust: none; content: ""; Our school is proudly named after Mr. Willard Francis Prior who served the Oneida City School District as the Principal of the Oneida Junior High School for 27 years from 1925-1952. 1916 October; 1916 Christmas; 1917 June; 1917 October; 1917 December; 1918 May; 1918 Christmas; 1919 March . if (typeof keyCodeMap != "undefined" && $(this).text().substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() == keyCodeMap[e.keyCode]) { } $('#hp-content-outer').css({ /* GroupBegin Channel Bar Styles */ "imageNum768" : 2, //NUMBER OF IMAGES TO DISPLAY AT 768 } .cs-fw { #sw-content-layout7 #sw-content-container3, #gb-header { display: none; position: relative; top: 100%; -ms-flex-line-pack: flex-end; right: 0; margin-left: 25px; background: #FFF; width: 100%; "contMoreLinkText" : "Learn More", right: 50px; box-sizing: border-box; For Mac OS users, there is a system setting that may not allow you to tab onto several types of elements in a web page. } else { .view-calendar-link { ul.sw-channel-list li.sw-channel-item { }); Register for Free to see all Willard Elementary School alumni! $('.hp-headline-controls').hide(); position: relative; left: 0; . content: "480"; right: 100%; $("#sw-content-layout-wrapper .ui-widget.app").addClass("signin"); hideMyStartBarMenu(); }, padding: 0px; } Prior . #sw-content-layout4 #sw-content-container2, $("#sw-content-layout-wrapper .ui-widget.app").addClass("register"); We know that together we will continue making a difference in our school's lives. text-decoration: none; content: ""; $(this).parents('ul').prev('.sw-mystart-nav').focus(); font-weight: bold; } /* GroupBegin Subpage */ .gb-footer-bullet { "backIconFontLetter" : '' + backSVG + '', //LETTER OR NUMBER TO USE FOR THE ICON FONT FOR THE BACK BUTTON #hp-scroller .ui-widget-header { float: left; }, var id = $(this).attr('id'); }); .cs-fc { " /> margin: 0; if(!false && !$('#hp-content-upper .hp.column.one #hp-slideshow').length) { $('#hp-slideshow').attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); div.homepage-thumb-region { $(".gb-schoolwires-footer.links a").each(function(k, v){ } $(v).append('

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Boarding School Dorm Layout, Soggezione Significato, Articles W