Women should smell like womenmaybe a little salty, maybe a little sweet, but always with our own unique, indescribable aroma. And does pineapple really sweeten the pot? It's summery. "Healthy bacteria or flora help keep a balanced pH and the vagina healthy, contributing to a normal range of odors produced by the vagina," says women's health expert Dr . Again: You reallyreallyreally shouldnt be cleaning inside the vagina. It is not a reason to panic. In the morning, drink this water on an empty stomach. Other foods that may noticeably affect your taste include: Sex therapist Angela Watson (aka Doctor Climax) says, A good rule of thumb is any food that modifies the smell of your sweat or pee will also modify the secretions from your vagina, which will impact taste.. But not overwhelmingly so, he says. Plus, its alkaline nature can keep vaginal bacteria and infections at bay. Eating high-fiber foods may support the growth of the bacteria Lactobacillus in the vagina, which keeps harmful bacteria in check. Feeling well-rested as hell. These are the best foods and drinks for writers. The chemicals contained in those products mess up with . Like I said, I have and have absolutely no regrets. What Happens if This Common Abortion Pill Gets Banned? Soy. With that being said, dont expect it to smell like a perfume bottle. Sounds like chemistry class, right? pdfs.semanticscholar.org/ce78/cd1734c1ad50e23317025ea5803a242bd6ad.pdf?_ga=2.243298757.1991222733.1578700010-1385276422.1576695003, The Ultimate Vaginal Discharge Color Guide, Everything You Should Know About Your Clitoral Hood, Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI, Sweaty Vagina: Why It Happens and What You Can Do, Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT, How Deep Is a Vagina? When we went for round two the next morning, the curry certainly made my cooch a little fragrant. A green, yellow discharge accompanied by pain during sex and a foul smell might be a sign of trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted disease. Vitamin A and pregnancy: A narrative review. Yogurt can help your vagina to smell better. There are a few lifestyle changes thatll be good for your overall vulvar health and may make your vaginal taste more mild. You can make your vagina taste better instantly just before sex. It is a carbonated soft drink that is non-alcoholic and caffeine-free. Thongs are hot, but full-coverage underwear is your best friend when trying to make your honey-pot taste sweet. Eliminating these foods from your diet will profoundly improve your body odor. All things considered, my vagina smell and taste experiment definitely confirmed . Porous materials have tiny microscopic holes that bacteria can climb and reside in. (2019). Take, for example, garlic, which contains the compound allicin. In fact, according to an article published in the journal. Some women douche with water alone. 9. (2022). A pineapple a day keeps the bitter spunk away. It probably shouldn't be your favorite dish. Well, it does. (2016). Adopt good hygiene measures. Because you know what? Several vegetables like kale and celery and fruits like pineapple and cranberry are said to make your vagina smell good. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. Use the mixture to rinse the vagina thoroughly twice a day until odor goes away. Medical Disclaimer: This website is intended for informational purposes only. Larmo PS, et al. It's not really pleasant," he said. And that can be sweet or sour, metallic, sharp or spiced, bitter or acidic. Drinking water in plenty is necessary as it helps the body flush out toxins that build up to cause. Here they are: Pineapple is believed to sweeten the smell of vaginal secretions. It's not supposed to smell like roses or taste like candy. How can it make you smell and taste great down there? Yeast infections and UTIs are known to cause bad-smelling vaginal discharges. Proper vaginal care, such as good hygiene, safe sex, and regular gynecological visits, all play a role in keeping your pH in check. Are pineapples really th. Is there anything that could make the taste worse? 7. Healthline: Medical information and health advice you can trust. Herbal supplements help get rid of vaginal odor and make you smell good down there, along with reducing vaginal infections. If the discharge and bad odor from your vagina are caused by a fungal infection, this home remedy will help get rid of it. Spend more, save moreSave up to $50 on orders $125+, $30 off orders $100+, and $15 off orders $75+. Pineapple is only effective if you make it as a daily fruit either as a salad or a smoothie, for a couple of days. Vagina! It is alkaline and can directly help neutralize your vaginas acidic taste. (2014). The Center for Specialized Womens Health. Practice good hygiene. Use your fingers or a clean washcloth to spread your labia apart. You have no control over that. 6. (A vagina has both good and bad bacteria when harmful bacteria outgrow in number and overwhelms the good bacteria, leading to infections which among other symptoms lead to a foul-smelling vagina.). Cranberry juice is already full of flavor when you drink it so this should actually be a no-brainer. Hi #CleanPeople! Literally because when you feel different down there, like with a new odor or more-than-usual discharge, it could be a sign that your vaginal pH is off. Thats it. 2005-2023 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Some foods can also make your urine more acidic, leading to a foul smell. Unbalanced pH. Vaginal discharge can say a lot about your health. With these eight bites for your bits, its easy to prioritize your vagina (and yourself). This will keep dead skin cells, discharge, and other dried bodily fluids from building up in the nooks and crannies of your vulva, Watson explains. In the 18th century, the strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) was first introduced to Europe. This experiment got to us to go slowly, explore each other with more purpose, and it also taught us to talk about sex. Its important to note that most studies focus on supplements with high levels of isoflavones, which may not be present in all foods. Otherwise, no one expects your vagina to smell like sunflower and taste like ice cream. taste-modifying molecule called miraculin. That is to say, it may taste like rotten fish, spoiled meat, or matzah, for example. This is because it is rich in vitamins and minerals. That said, what you eat affects each and every part of your bodyincluding your vagina. If you feel a burning sensation in the bikini area after using it, stop using it. A healthy vagina does not smell like a flower, and any product that makes it smell like one is likely damaging, Ingber says. The toxins, dehydration and uric acid that are generated in the body due to alcohol create a long-lasting spell odour, which only goes once flushed out. 4. 4. Body and urine odorIt is believed that excess consumption of fenugreek can make your sweat and urine smell pungent, just as eating asparagus changes the colour of your urine. Do Certain Foods Affect the Taste of Semen Or Other Bodily Fluids? The phytoestrogen phloridzin and antioxidants in apples stimulate the blood flow in your vagina, keeping it healthy and fresh. Living a healthy lifestyle and avoiding douching can also help. In fact, drinking Dr Pepper may help to reduce vaginal odor by keeping the body well-hydrated. It's like a mix of asparagus and grass. What you need to keep in mind is that there are several all-natural foods that you can eat for a better smelling vagina smelling. (2020). Consumption of a cranberry juice beverage lowered the number of clinical urinary tract infection episodes in women with a recent history of urinary tract infection. The first step to feeling better is resisting the urge to ignore your grief. You should avoid them to reduce yeast infection, and, in turn, reduce the vaginal odor. As I ate about a cup and a half each of mixed vegetable curry and chana saagwala (spinach, garbanzo beans, and curry spices), I found this to be oh so true. Neither did I. These two characteristics are what makes tea tree oil an excellent remedy for vaginal odor. "High fatespecially fried foodscan affect the balance of bacteria in the vagina and are also associated with a higher risk for bacterial vaginosis," says Vandana Sheth, RDN, CDCES, FAND. It is preferable if you wax your pubic hair. These also help your vagina smell better and maintain its health. SELF may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. Just dry your vagina with a clean towel. "They also suggest . Barking out orders in bed might not be the sexiest way to conduct this experiment, but I was on a missionand a deadline. You know whats hot? Foods and drinks to improve your vagina taste (June 2015): 8 Foods that might make your vagina smell and taste better: http://www.gurl.com/2016/06/11/foods-that-might-make-your-vagina-smell-taste-better/#1, 12Natural remedies to get rid of vaginal odor fast (May 2014), https://www.womenshealth.gov/a-z-topics/douching. Leafy greens help decrease vaginal dryness, Before sex, stay away from foods that cause body odor, link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12894-018-0342-7, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5412236/, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8065992/figure/nutrients-13-01178-f001/, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4882725/, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2662373/, journals.lww.com/co-obgyn/Fulltext/2020/06000/Preconception_diet,_fertility,_and_later_health_in.11.aspx, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9295880/, sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378512214002394, wageningenacademic.com/doi/10.3920/BM2017.0018, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8618584/, academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/103/6/1434/4569625, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7215946/, sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352647519300012, tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09513590.2018.1450377, fertstert.org/article/S0015-0282(18)30429-1/fulltex, researchgate.net/publication/260529432_Coffee_aroma_constituents_and_odorant_metabolites_in_human_urine, journals.lww.com/jaapa/fulltext/2021/02000/probiotics_for_preventing_recurrent_bacterial.2.aspx, 8 Underwear Rules to Live by for a Healthy Vagina, 7 Best Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) Treatments, FAQs and More. Eating a lot of onions and garlic can also lead to this unpleasant odor. Carbonation can cause bloating and gas, which can lead to vaginal odor. A fishy smelling vagina is quite alarming. Decrease your consumption of refined carbohydrates, caffeine, and sugary drinks, all of which can encourage yeast production. In addition to Healthline, her work has appeared in publications such as Shape, Cosmopolitan, Well+Good, Health, Self, Womens Health, Greatist, and more! Use the mixture twice daily to rinse your vagina. Strawberries are high in antioxidants and plant chemicals that may help with . During menopause, estrogen levels drop and can cause the vaginal pH to become more basic, and therefore taste and smell different, he says. Her blog focuses on real food for a balanced life, seasonal recipes, and approachable health advice. It is probably because fenugreek contains an aromatic compound called soletone. If you happen to have wet wipes that are specifically used before oral sex, then you should prefer using them for this purpose too. 6. Not to mention, pineapples are also . Vitamins and uterine fibroids: Current data on pathophysiology and possible clinical relevance. When theres a change, you notice. Anything thats good for your health is generally good for your netherbits, too. Eating yogurt or putting it inside the vagina is not very new among us women. Home remedies are always a better way to deal with problems such as constant fish-smelling vaginal discharge. Others douche using apple cider vinegar. The vagina actually stays quite clean on its own with minimal help from outside cleansers. Watermelon flushes out the toxins from your system and helps keep your vagina clean. Its a fruit that contains prebiotics that can balance pH levels and introduce good bacteria to your vagina. Hot showers as presumed by most women to improve the smell of a vagina overnight. Stop eating foods that increase metabolism as they cause a sweaty bikini that can lead to a bad odor. Is there anything you can do to improve the taste? #9. Try to eat or include these four superfoods in your diet to help make your vagina healthier and more pleasant. This is because the mans semen has a different pH than that of your vagina. They trap sweat creating a favorable environment for bacteria multiplication. Baking Soda. Strong, heavily scented or spiced foods have the potential to change your vaginal smell, according to Oregon State University 1. Water helps the body flush out toxins that might pile up in your body causing releasing of bad odor. He didn't taste like garlic, nor did his semen. Preconception diet, fertility, and later health in pregnancy. Other ways to keep your vagina happy and healthy: try to wear cotton underwear, avoid thongs, sleep naked or in loose-fitting cotton, avoid smoking, and try to eat healthy foods as much as possible. Dilute tea tree oil can help get rid of mild bacterial and fungal infections in the vagina. 3. Foods that make your breath smell like urine could include foods that are high in sulfur such as aged cheeses, eggs, fish and smoked meats. Ginger keeps your vagina environment free of harmful bacteria which in most cases is the cause of your vaginal fishy smell. These potatoes have some sweet benefits, even for your vaginal health. But garlic smells bad, right? I asked. Eating less sugar. At times, however, the, Watermelon flushes out the toxins from your system and helps keep your vagina clean. Asma B, et al. Its all about staying connected with your partner through the slump. Your favorite toast topper is also great for your sex life who knew? Clean the outside of your vagina regularly. Getting rid of vaginal odor can improve your confidence in bed and socially. Eat a well-balanced diet. Once taken as juice, pineapple helps kill bacteria present in the body and the vagina. For the ladies, our sister site Jezebel recommends pineapple, celery, yogurt, red grapes, cranberry juice, lots of water, mint, watermelon, and strawberries. Heres what to do to make your vagina smell good and taste great. But how can you get rid of the fish-like smell in your vagina? Do not wear tight-fitting undergarments even when working out. Your diet does more than impact your waistline. Track your Menstrual health using Healthshots Period tracker, We all know that our vagina has a smell of its own. Their vitamin A contributes to healthy vaginal and uterine walls and helps us produce the hormones we need to stay vibrant and energized. So, if youre interested in changing the taste of your vagina, know this: A healthy vagina doesnt taste like flowers, a fresh summer breeze, or vanilla. Yogurt - keeps the bacteria "good" promoting a balanced pH, prevents candida overgrowth and prevents bad odors. But the phytoestrogens compounds that mimic estrogen in the body found in soy are good news for vaginal health, especially in people with reduced estrogen levels. Plus, eating apples can also increase the probability of climaxing during sex. Sweet potatoes are also high in fiber, which may help stabilize insulin levels in those with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Satin, silk and polyester panties can retain moisture, upsetting your natural bacteria levels and . Rectovaginal fistula: A rare condition where the opening between your rectum and vagina allows feces to leak into your vagina. Otherwise, you will end up with a stinky breath that will turn your man off from kissing you. Same goes for the scent of your vulva. But is it a good thing to do? Use Cotton Panties for your Fanny. While theres no one-size-fits-all answer to what you should or shouldnt eat for optimal vaginal health, here are eight eats that work in favor of your lady bits. Ingber notes that sometimes a change in smell is simply a sign that someone has started menopause. One thing to note is that a healthy lifestyle always has your vagina tasting and smelling great. Sweet food that contains a lot of sugar or foods rich in yeast can often cause vaginal odor. Plus, its alkaline nature can keep vaginal bacteria and infections at bay. Gabrielle Kassel (she/her) is a queer sex educator and wellness journalist who is committed to helping people feel the best they can in their bodies. The trick here is that you're doing it all wrong whole your life. Green, black or red grapes: Know which is the healthiest of them all, Bored of running for weight loss? (2019). To make lemon water, mix the juice of lemon to a glass of warm water and add a little raw honey for taste. Your feces contain toxins and bacteria that when spread to your vagina, cause strong fishy odor. Lin Y.-P, et al. These will help you smell good, fresh all the time. Brkić D, et al. Pete P, et al. Ginger is a powerful antibiotic. It is always good to keep your armpits cleanly shaven to reduce the amount of moisture trapped. This is a potent combination that can keep you smelling clean. (While were on the subject, a note on the experiment: No, we didnt use rigorous scientific methods, and, yes, my boyfriend knew when Id eaten what foods, so that might have influenced his opinions.). It also depletes recurrent yeast infections. Eating it may be beneficial because it is rich in vitamins C and B as well as fibre. Standardised high dose versus low dose cranberry Proanthocyanidin extracts for the prevention of recurrent urinary tract infection in healthy women [PACCANN]: a double blind randomised controlled trial protocol. Put a tablespoon of neem powder into a glass of hot water. This fruit is acidic and helps in maintaining the acidic environment of the vagina, making it taste better in the long run. Use unscented soap once in a while. **. They may also help prevent recurrent BV infections. You vagina is supposed to smell like, wella vagina. On the other hand, citrus fruits (e.g., oranges and grapefruits) can make the smell . Your vaginas natural odor should never raise concerns unless it gets fishy or unpleasant. Heres how to use ginger to get a nice tasting vagina with home remedies. This bacterium helps keep your vaginal pH levels in check, helping to prevent the overgrowth of harmful bacteria. What you eat and drink plays a role in what goes into your mucosal secretions, Ingber says. Eat cardamom and cinnamon instead of onions and garlic. Avoid wiping yourself from back to the front after using the bathroom. Probiotics for preventing recurrent bacterial vaginosis. In case you are worried about your vaginal smell, you need to know that it can smell exactly like what youve consumed. Shape reports that products in green tea may help to kill E. coli bacteria that can cause UTIs. This includes: Still, there are a few other things you can to support the health of your vulva. A vagina can have a slight odor, especially after spending a day out and about or after exercise. Green Tea. Cranberry juice is great for improving your vaginal health. #3. It has such a bad rap for vaginal health, which it has definitely earned. You taste like SweeTARTS. (2020). When you dont hydrate, everything gets concentrated. Loss can be terribly isolating, but art can be a soothing balm that helps you feel less alone. Effect of Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on sexual function of pregnant women: a double blind randomized controlled trial. Plus, they are acidic in nature and help maintain the pH of your vagina. These essential fatty acids were shown to improve sexual function in pregnant women by preventing increased pregnancy anxiety although more research is needed. This means they can help prevent bacterial vaginosis (BV), a common vaginal infection. Wash your clothes every time to keep them smelling fresh and away from bacteria. Try to eat plenty of spinach, kale, cabbage, salad, Swiss chard, collards and other leafy greens. Green tea. Here's how. (2018). Now, obviously, a healthy and infection-free vagina has no reason to smell bad. A healthy lifestyle is important if at all you want to make vagina taste good naturally. How These 'Simple 7' Lifestyle Habits Can Help Lower Risk of Dementia for Women, How Model Gigi Robinsons Life Changed After Being Diagnosed with Endometriosis. Overall rating for smell: 10 mmhmm, yes. So whether you want a pair of basic black clogs, comfy slides, or some absolutely adorable Pokmon Crocs, you can go wild and save, no matter what you purchase. Most cases of swollen labia arent serious. "Yep, nothing." Is it possible to change how you smell down there? In a bid to making your vagina taste nice, the greatest advice is to: A healthy lifestyle along with proper hygiene practices leaves your vagina tasting good. Dark leafy greens are blood-purifying and enhance circulation due to their many nutrients, including dietary nitrates. A healthy vagina has a neutral scent that is not foul or unpleasant. A healthy vagina smells a little funky and its smell changes too. Overall rating for taste: 10 tastes and smells just like citrus! (2021). Add few drops of witch hazel to tea tree oil, combine with half a cup of water. Stay vibrant and energized before sex in maintaining the acidic environment of the bacteria Lactobacillus in journal... Affiliate Partnerships with retailers fruit is acidic and helps keep your vaginal smell you. What makes tea tree oil an excellent remedy for vaginal odor armpits cleanly shaven to reduce yeast infection and. Sugar or foods rich in yeast can often cause vaginal odor can smell like. 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