This article scores a 71.5 on theFlesch-Kincaid readability scale. It was a period in which many social reforms occurred. A D B!!! Another great article for writers. Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open publishing practices. Making a few tweaks toaclich can be an excellent way to create a very memorable soundbite. C I argue that it is ridiculous to fix something that isnt broken. Looking at the example above, I would argue that semi-colons are perhaps not the most effective in helping the reader navigate their way through the document. This technique is effective in fictional writing. Read the following sentence: I would like a chocolate sundae without whipped cream. Just trust the person who went above and beyond to put everything from the test in his post. point? Many bestselling authors and entrepreneurs have paid thousands of dollars to work with media training experts just to come upwith a few useful soundbites for promoting their books or brands. This section examines how to connect ideas across several sentences in order to increase sentence variety and improve writing. Its hard to overcome our own bodys inner reward system, but we have to be rigorous with our writing if we want to get to the top of our field and stay there. The right answers are A, D, and B, WED,SEP !% The first passage tells the story of the Kiowa people to achieve an instructional tone, but the second passage uses personal experience to achieve a reflective tone. For others such as Coleman-Liau, word length is calculated on letter count. 2 See answers Advertisement aliasger2709 I just took the quiz, it's ADB like the majority have said. asked by norna March 30, 2014 Theyre more likely to read your workin the future and tell others about you, creating a win-win situation for everyone. 4. quickly. He is a champion swimmer. Take a look at how Naomi might use modifiers in her paragraph. Sentence variety reduces repetition in a piece of writing and adds emphasis to important points in the text. the reader. D On your own sheet of paper, rewrite the following sentences by moving the adverbs to the beginning. 3. For most texts, simply shortening the length of your sentences will lead to the most impressive effect on the readability score. Thats your goal. Why is "of the" in the phrase "some of the" unnecessary? Many new authors just write as if the reader obviously knows whatOnga are (trust me, they dont). Chapter 9: Writing Essays: From Start to Finish. Answer: B There are many different types of readability tests. 2. A D B!!! If youve evertried building something with poorly-organized instruction manual, you know how frustrating poorly organized writing can be. Martin should use some bullet point lists in his report. Indeed, laughing at other peoples grammar fails can be a very enjoyable way of distracting yourself from doing any real work. Social reforms occurred in response of the abuses of big business. Which of the following describes a typeface? In the media, these highly memorable phrases are called soundbites. We recommend aiming for a reading age of between age 9 and 15. You can listen to each sentence as you read it. Thank you to those who gave the right answers!!! Part of the Added Bytes family. Heroin is an extremely addictive drug. Bathroom facilities are across the hall to the left of the water cooler. He is a writer whose works are widely known. Or you can use simple sentence structure as much as possible. Contrast creates a sense of balance between design elements. You can use lists to organize large groups of information. Correct answer (1 pt) to organize information visually around a central concept Readability depends on a text's presentation (such as font choice, spacing or colors) and context (the words and sentences on the page). In the doctors office, the bandaged man waited. Many readers like to skim text. Combine ideas, using modifiers, relative clauses, or appositives, to achieve sentence variety. Surprise Twist: I will not exploit, for political purposes, my opponents youth and inexperience. President Ronald Reagan, responding to opponents who saidhe was too old for a second term. Which of the following describes type style? Thank you, Youre very welcome, Arlene! D- To Organize information visually round a central concept. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. Readability scores measure factors like sentence length and word familiarity. On your own sheet of paper, rewrite the following sentence pairs as one sentence using the techniques you have learned in this section. Under the railway bridge, teenagers exchange drugs and money. Which of the following will make your message more concise? It's adb final I swear the teachers change them around every year that's why adb, ADB anon is incorrect the right answers are A,D,B, Ugh I failed because there's so many different answers, A Readability is affected by the choices you make in design, word, and sentence structure. A D B!!! There are many different types of readability tests. Dont be tempted to cram too much information into a single paragraph. What does the reader need to know before they can engage with your messages? Which of the following techniques should Martin utilize in order to design an effective report? Doc Preview. A D B!!! To connect two sentences using a relative clause, substitute the subject of one of the sentences (he) for a relative pronoun (who). Courtesy: National Human Genome Research Institute Which of the following sentences best describes the above picture? which. If it doesnt, dont include it. On your own sheet of paper, rewrite the following sentences as inverted sentences. If reading your book feels effortless, youre going tokeep a lot more of your readers entertained. Its actually a lot easier, faster and more fruitful to write a lot of simple sentences that each communicate one idea. Readability scoresshould only be used as a general guideline to give you a general idea of how easy your work is to read. 3. Unselected answer (0 pts) It was a period of civil war and the end of slavery. The three words good, better, and best are examples of the three forms of an adjective or adverb : positive, comparative, and superlative. Prepositional phrases are useful in any type of writing. My colleagues remain unconvinced about the proposed merger. O D. Her lifelong fear of trains has finally been vindicated. A common mistake when combining sentences using the ing verb form is to misplace the modifier so that it is not logically connected to the rest of the sentence. Jogging across the parking lot, I felt my breath grow ragged and shallow. Unselected answer (0 pts) SmartArt enhances images and photographs by accenting them with colors and shading. The conversion of documents to PDF files using Adobe Acrobat helps in better distribution. :|, 5 question (quick check) Gay marriage is now legal in six states. Which of the following was not one of the three convictions. At 6:45 a.m., my train leaves the station. It is possible they used a metal trolley to move the stolen goods, which was abandoned outside the building. There are times when using the passive voice can help you better illustrate a point or tell your story better. 2-A Take a look at how Naomi might incorporate relative clauses into her essay. 70 or higher is great (That means 7th graders can easily understand you writing). Any modification that lends contrast or emphasis to type, including boldface, italic, underlining, and color. You should strive to use simple, clear, concrete language. Before making any improvements, here are the readability scores for the original segment of text from Disney. Here are some great ways to get you thinking of ideas for your own memorable media soundbites that will help your message stand out from the crowd and be remembered: Use Similes, Metaphors or Analogies:Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. If you can get your reader to laugh, theyre a lot more likely to stick with you for the long haul. C. She finally enjoys daydreaming about the future. To ascertain the effect of a hearing problem, read the following sentence out loud: Jo--ua -aw the -mo-- on to- of Moun- -inai. 1.A Prepositional phrases contain a preposition (a word that specifies place, direction, or time) and an object of the preposition (a noun phrase or pronoun that follows the preposition). By splitting up the text into five shorter sentences, the readability scores dropped drastically. Identify ways to vary sentence structure. In the second underlined sentence, the subject (the government) is placed after the verb (expects). Which of the following sentences best describes readability? Another technique that writers use to combine sentences is to join them using a relative clause. Period. String together all those ideas with enough simple sentences and youll be amazed how great your writing can become without trying to be fancy. Copy the following sentences and underline the verb or verbs in each one. Ashley introduced her colleague Dan to her husband, Jim. Isnt that great? column. Readability scores measure factors like sentence length and word familiarity. (1 point) Read the following example: During my time in office I have achieved several goals. He lives in Seattle. P.S- Thanks to everyone that put A, D, B, you guys were right. Which of the following sentences best describes readability? Charts can also help improve your readability (Why isnt that in the chart?!). For example, Pinterests privacy policy comes out with an FK Grade level of 12.9 with Reddits coming in at 13.9. If you got a b D then you questions were in different orders. 2. Okay. Select the BEST option that describes the sentence. Perhaps more alarming is that only 30.5% actually had privacy policies! Contrast is the only way to convey the meaning of an image or design. Mitch Bancroft is a famous writer. The following is a sentence from an email written by a customer to a company that manufactures confectionary goods: "The cookies that your company manufactures are powdery, have too much sugar, and they are very expensive cookies." If youre writing nonfiction, consider using subheadings generously throughout your work. Which of the following margin types is commonly used for headings and subheadings? If you need to communicate more than one idea do itin more than one sentence. It can accommodate more text in a given space. I try to shoot for at least a 60-70 score on the Flesch-Kincaid readability scale (which rates on a scale from 0-100, witha score of 90-100 being easily readable for the average 5th grader). Social Studies. Rebecca creates a very lengthy word processing document using a little-known software application. Suddenly, he slammed the door shut and sprinted across the street. Select one movement from the Progressive Era. Having a great idea for a book isnt enough. Chapter 16: Designing and Delivering Oral and, B1 Corporate Governance and Financial Risk Ma, Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Cell Cycle Control and Cell Division (100%), Chapter 5 - Labour Standards - Employment Sta. correct: ADB As we noted earlier, most writers follow the subject-verb-object sentence structure. Chapter 5: Help for English Language Learners, Chapter 6: Writing Paragraphs: Separating Ideas and Shaping Content. I have encouraged young people to get involved in their community. They're all lying. "The award ceremony was held last week because very few employees were on leave.". 3. Some sentences can be combined using an ed verb formstopped, finished, played. Like Flesch-Kincaid, it renders results as a grade level, but in this case with no upper limit. In the United States, the average adult reads at a 7th to 8th grade reading level (12-14 years old). Passive Voice Example: The apple was eaten by Bob. In addition to varying sentence structure, consider varying the types of sentences you are using in a report or other workplace document. Which of the following sentences best describes the Progressive Era? Just because a soundbiteis memorabledoesnt mean you should use it. If you are preparing a report or a proposal, take the time to organize your thoughts in an outline before writing a rough draft. Your email address will not be published. This is a big mistake. Are the correct answers for Have you ever ordered a dish in a restaurant and been not happy with its taste, even though it contained most of your favorite ingredients? If you arent 100% sure that you have it then maybe avoid them. Warninglid Lane, In the United Kingdom, researchers recommend that writers write with vocabulary and sentence structure targeted towards 9-10 year olds. Write and revise sentence structure at the beginning of sentences. P.S. The use of short sentences in messages is useful for __________. The positive form of an adjective or adverb is the basic form listed in a dictionary. Experienced writers incorporate sentence variety into their writing by varying sentence style and structure. We get a little dopamine boost in our brain every time we find a new way to use a new or complex word in our writing just like we do when we find that final puzzle piece and pop it into place. By being really strict about your message(s) and the bare bones of background information required for engaging with those messages, you then have criteria for what to keep and what to cut. These are the answers for connections as of 2-4-2021, I put in A, D, then B and I got a 3/3 on that lesson. People also do not read one word at a time. Eastlands Park Estate, friendly and well-spoken receptionist creates a positive public You are all liars i got 1/3 thanks to you all the real answers are 1.A 2.B 3.D, You are all liars i got 1/3 thanks to you all the real answers are 1.A 2.D 3.B, lol yeh are all wrong was A D B as the person said at the start like seriously. Unselected answer (0 pts) It was a period of unchecked abuses by big business. It can help to think of things in sequential order. Estate Office, A heading that simply identifies a topic is called a(n) ________. The car screeched to a halt just a few inches away from the young boy. Experienced writers mix it up by using an assortment of sentence patterns, rhythms, and lengths. Oh, it was eaten by Bob.Notice how the passive voice downplays the importance of the actor (Bob) and highlights the importance of the object (the apple). If reading your book feels like work, only a very few dedicated readers will stick with you to the end. Readability is an affectation. Civil War Era, New South Era, Antebellum Era, Reconstruction Era, Bourbon Triumvirate Era, Progressive Era, Populist Era My answer- Antebellum, Civil War, When will the tickets go on sale? It is then sold to chocolate-processing companies at the Coffee, Sugar, and Cocoa Exchange. When you are composing the first working draft of your message, you should write rapidly When Lauren prepares the first draft of an important message, she carefully outlines the message. Adapting your message to be well received includes using simple, concise, and tactful language . We recommend keeping your text between a score of 70.0 and 80.0, which corresponds to that seventh grade reading level that's accessible to most adults. Some sentences have correct structure, and you may find that is the best option. If your work is too hard to read for your audience, they wont engage. Some options will define a structural flaw and may or may not suggest a way of fixing the problem. Which of the following is most likely to improve the readability of a message? You can learn more awesome tips for creating memorable media soundbites and getting more exposure with your message in The Media Training Bible by Brad Phillips. You can use these techniques when revising a paper to bring life and rhythm to your work. prefer messages that are easily understood. Readability means that how reading something is difficult or easy. The following is a sentence from an email from an administrative professional to a manager: "We usually undertake the verification of all documents at least once every month." In his search for Medusa, Perseus was helped by Hermes and Athena. concise, and tactful language. Copywriters and advertisers have long known they can get people to pay attention better to their headlines or copy if they use personal language and pronouns like I and you. In contrast, writing in the 3rd person can be incredibly boring. Try to use a series of three when providing examples, grouping adjectives, or generating a list. Words that are placed at the beginning or end of a sentence generally receive the greatest emphasis. Unselected answer (0 pts) It was a period of westward expansion under the idea of manifest destiny. ur welcome. Disclaimer: TCK Publishing and its website,, provides information on writing, publishing, books, and advice to help you live a better and more successful life. The firefighters bravely tackled the blaze, but they were beaten back by flames. If your reader might need to refer back to your list of information repeatedly, consider creating a checklist they can download, print and use often. Neither of these headlines are all that great, but the second one will likely outperform the first because of the use of the personal pronouns you, my and me.. B Read the following sentence pairs: Notice how the second sentence in each pair places more emphasis on the subjecta truck in the first example and the file in the second. 2. Notice how they add additional information to the text and provide a sense of flow to the essay, making it less choppy and more pleasurable to read. For more information on dangling modifiers, see Chapter 2 Writing Basics: What Makes a Good Sentence?. Unlike relative clauses, appositives are always punctuated by a comma or a set commas. LDS. I got a 33.3 the answers are not a b d, lol yes Take a look at the following examples. In this sentence, the prepositional phrase is underneath the table. If you reelect me this year, I will continue to achieve great things for this community. We therefore formulated the following two null-hypotheses: 1. Most literary agents Ive talked to will stop reading a submission if they notice more than a handful ofsentences in the passive voice. For example, you should never use the word "deleterious" when you can just write "harmful.". A D B!!! Long sentences are exhausting for your readers. c. This is to inform you that your account is now up-to-date. In this sentence, jogging across the parking lot seems to modify my breath. If you write short sentences using plain English, itll help more people understand your content. Many people are surprised to learn that the average reading age of adults in the US is 7th/8th grade. A D B!!! Hide Feedback d Because it describes the chocolate sundae, it cannot be moved to the beginning of the sentence. Studies also show that sentences of 11 words are considered easy to read, while those of 21 words are fairly difficult. Think about the story that you want to tell. were so glad you found it helpful. Unselected answer (0 pts) It was a period of westward expansion under the idea of manifest destiny. Answer: A This section discusses how to introduce sentence variety into writing, how to open sentences using a variety of techniques, and how to use different types of sentence structure when connecting ideas. 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which of the following sentences best describes readability