You would need to use a completely separate field to do that. Thanks for the help Mark. Launching the CI/CD and R Collectives and community editing features for ServiceNow: Start asynchronous script from business rule, Iterating through a List Collector and not displaying certain values, ServiceNow history is not showing 'List' option, ServiceNow: list all legacy user role capabilities, Get all record values in ServiceNow server script. Im guessing thats where the problem lies. Ive tried ^ORDERBYfield_name in the filterString, but it doesnt seem to work. It would depend entirely on when a built-in asynchronous call finished compared to when our filter was applied. Could you please help me to get the actual display value. The variable set is called "Parse sysparm_variables URI param". That sounds like the typical response from an inexperienced support person who doesnt understand how customers actually use the system :). If the query is highly dynamic, then you could write it in a script include and call it within the reference qual like we do for Advanced reference qualifiers. function setListCollectorFilterAsync(listCollector, query) { when i execute the script file, my first variable gets loaded, while the second doesn't: it's because after loading the first variable host, it doesn't remember its value to use for setting the second variable index. Hey Mark, thanks for the article Im trying to do this exact thing create a Script Includes to use as a reference qualifier and Im having issues, can you help? Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. All validation of examples was done using . This training provides our recruiters with tools and strategies to improve our diversity and inclusion efforts. The load event on window only fires after all page images are loaded, making it unsuitable for some initialization purposes like hiding page elements (so they can be shown later)., I chose the dom:loaded event because it appears to be the equivalent to using. }. Browse other questions tagged. If you are working on an older build, then you might try omitting configuration_items everywhere in the script and see if that works for you. I am using a Script Include as a reference qualifier, but it is behaving rather strangely. On change of the main form's variable, set the preference. Then it computes newvar based on what the values of var1 and var2 are. window[collectorName + g_filter].setQuery(filterString); Keep it up. and the choice was Software, Sign-up to get the latest news and update information from ServiceNow Guru! By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. The ServiceNow wiki has some good documentation on this topic so I wont re-hash that here. The hiding of the filter itself no longer works in Fuji. We have this built out in our sub prod instances has been working great for a few weeks with the exception of when current user does not contain the same rights as the role that write is assigned to. The functional equivalent using Event.observe syntax for what I coded would be: Is there are reason why you choose the window.onload event instead? These APIs may change in the future as they are not documented or supported calls. Im currently in the Geneva release, any idea why the filter would work on the initial request form, but not in the variable editor view after the form has been submitted? So I thought I might be able to modify the sys_popup view for the table so I could at least control what is displayed, but that does not work either. Im not sure I followed the comment trail here correctly so, Ill jus ask. Hey April. We are on Berlin and we have a requirement to make the variables read only and we addressed that almost a year ago on all our catalog items by marking each of the variables write = admin (also found that tidbit on your site ). Thanks for the response Mark, got it figured out! hi, Group types are actually individual records stored on the group record in a list field. is there a work around for this? Ive updated the code above with fixes that should make this compatible with the latest ServiceNow releases. 542), How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. This is a great idea. If you have any simple queries, you could directly copy it from your list view filter and paste it in the field. How can I get the value of another variable into the filter? servicenow set variable based on another variable. Did you copy the script exactly as it appears above? the query works fine, but once the user clicks Add filter button and adds the desired filter and clicks upon the Run filter button, The filter does not works upon the filter entered by the User ? } Thank you! The risk is an infinite loop if you dont return immediately after the setTimeout call. Can u please tell-me how can I make dynamic filters readonly?? Here it is, it is not as elegant as I'd like. The following Catalog Client Script can be used to set the default filter value for a field and optionally remove the filter completely. Do EMC test houses typically accept copper foil in EUT? nameOfCollectorg_filter.reset(); It assumes that your List collector variable is named 'configuration_items'. //Hide the filter elements by un-commenting the following lines Ive tried changing the order of the client scripts as well as the timeout values in each client script w/ no avail. The post Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging Training appeared first on Crossfuze. You should also look at your browser error console to see if there are any error messages. Our Recruiting team is 100% certified by the AIRS Certified Diversity and Inclusion Recruiter course. Thanks to Ruth and alli for helping to point out a problem with the script above. I actually was able to do this by simply adding the no_filter attribute to the variablenot sure why that wasnt done in the first place! Software Youre right, thats much easier! // Not sure why this worked previously in DEV, but not now I have field with User sys_ids comma separated, how to select these users in list collector on Client Script. I wanted to help, so I talked through the options available that I have not tested. To fully enjoy this site, please enable your JavaScript. Really it's pretty simple once you boil it down. On the MRVS set the default value based on that preference. I have created a table and it has only one column. Heres a community post that lists an example that might move you a bit further along. Would the reflected sun's radiation melt ice in LEO? The value is from the user profile. Good question. //var el = $('container_' + g_form.getControl(collectorName).id).select('div.row')[0].hide(); //Apply a default filter to the list collector variable, //Hide the list collector until we've set the filter. This reference lists available classes and methods along with parameters, descriptions, and examples to make extending the ServiceNow platform easier. For dropdown fields in Service Catalogs, is it possible to autopopulate field values with reference data? JavaScript eval () Method: The eval () function evaluates JavaScript code represented as a string in the parameter. Go to the Dictionary Overrides related list They allow you to dynamically filter the available options from a reference field. What happened to Aham and its derivatives in Marathi? I use on-demand functions all the time for Advanced Reference Qualifiers. WARNING at line 9: Missing semicolon. which planet has the longest orbit around the sun; abandoned churches for sale in california; can you eat dwarf cavendish banana; cape coral police hiring process Implementation. Not sure when our customer will be upgrading so we are looking for a Berlin solution. The difference is that I source the variables.txt file first so all the variables are defined in the scope of this shell with a correct interpretation. Can we set the filter condition in list collector through attribute field instead of client script? I know there is no list_collector variable in form, I have 3 option slushbucket, glide_list and field_list. I've updated the article. Has 90% of ice around Antarctica disappeared in less than a decade? Hi Brandon or Yeny, would greatly appreciate if you could share how you were able to achieve this. read help set to understand what it's doing. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. You'll be adding a new function in front of this one, with your logic. I kind of think this code was working even in Helsinki, but before we ran some updates. servicenow catalog variable types (75) 3625-3013 LOJA 2 Av. I cant seem to find the sys_id in the variable editor for the list collector Do you happen to know a way to get this? Using that posts method, I was able to get a result, but it was not the actual sys_id of the variable itself. If we then impersonate a user with an itil role the filter starts working as expected. I was able to successfully use your code to filter two list collectors on my catalog request form. /*fil.rows[0].style.display = none; the parsing loop above can result in false-positives. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Hi Mark, Ive tested this script to a Catalog item and impersonates a users without any role, I created a new record using the catalog item with a list collector run the script using a client script and it works as I expected. I want to hide the filter on one of the variables, but not the other two. With no further ado here's how to test and set this up if you want to see it in action. Hi Brandon, I am having a problem with this in Geneva as well. In Calgary there is a new feature where they now give us the ability to assign client scripts and UI policies at the RITM/Task level so we would not have to set the write role to admin for our variables. Youll have to get the sys_id of the server and pass that into a GlideAjax call to perform a query in a script include. This actually worked for me! Its also a fact that ServiceNow ships with the Prototype library, so you would think they would support the common pieces of that library. Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. 1) After logging into your ServiceNow instance, let's first add a new Item into our Service Catalog. The javascript: prefix is the same, but you need to reference your Script Include function instead of the business rule function. Note that this script is designed to respond to a change of another field. On my form I have a variable that is auto populated on load. Something like this should work. New post: Application Portfolio Management (APM) assessment challenges, New post: Knowledge Translation using Localization Framework and Azure, New post: Localization framework fulfillment (LP, LRITM, LFTASK) I can't for the life of me get this second variable (serial number) to work properly. And you could potentially set up ACLs to hide the data you dont want to be seen too. The reference field filters Business Services related to the company of the caller, I created a m2m table with a related list on both Company as well as Business Services. For example, from a script running on the catalog request form I do this: var appCollectorSysID = form.getControl(collectorName).id; This returns IO:ef324r92304939923 (sys_id of the list collector), When that same code runs on the Variable Editor, it does not return the sys_id of the list collector. Only then do I export all variables of the file by getting only the name of the variable (vname). Hardware If you have further questions please ask on the ServiceNow community site. Ive updated the code above to include this check. You did such an amazing job. ServiceNow newb here. Youve customized this to use an onKeyUp event. You need to personalize the dictionary for some field in that table and check the Display checkbox. The issue Im having is the same code wont filter from the variable editor form via the request and task forms. Ive provided a second example above that shows you how to do that. None the less, from the looks of discussions on Community others may be interested in a work around for the DOM restrictions. There isnt currently a way to sort the results of a list collector. var fil = gel(ep); You can un-comment the lines in the script posted above to hide the filter which essentially makes it readonly. No, you cant. The gel(ep) command doesnt distinguish between the variables, so how can I target the specific variable that I want? return; if (filter.getFilterReadOnly()) A is of type string. do you now the what the meaning of the parameter of the XXX_acRequest(null) function is? The post Certified Diversity Recruiters appeared first on Crossfuze. Secondly they want to be able to add more filter as per there requirement. Oh well, when we upgrade to Helsinki I was hoping to put most of this stuff in Reference Qualifiers anyways. window[collectorName + g_filter].reset(); Click new and specify the table you want to override, in your case the Incident. Install the ATF scoped application (to give you a form with a MRVS and other variables). The sys_id worked like a dream. You could use g_sc_form with the getControl method. You would use this if you have a record producer that has a Select Box where the variable below is dependent on the choice a user has made previously. This is setup quite easily using field dependencies. Selecting Run Filter does not work. 2. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. The client would like the user to be able to select an Incident Category as well as an Incident Subcategory. in Bex *Check for Step 2 (After user gives inputs on selection screen) CHECK i_step = c_after. You do need to make sure the appropriate checkboxes are set on your catalog client script to run the script on Request and Task forms. In my testing it seems to work fine on a Helsinki instance for me. servicenow catalog variable types. The best practice guidance for advanced reference qualifiers should be to use a Script Include rather than a global Business Rule to run the qualifier script. Or would the LC take so long to render its not worth it. //Hide the list collector until weve set the filter Thanks. Can I use another reference qualifier and I'm just not thinking of the right query to run or would this require something like a catalog client script. All works for me, but the filter does not run. Hey Bill, Im glad youve found something useful here. Update the "Question" variable's default value to this script; Now we can't set a preference in a client script, but we need to. Since 2009, ServiceNow Guru has been THE go-to source of ServiceNow technical content and knowledge for all ServiceNow professionals. just tested it on demo, (dev laptop item). between configuration_items and g_filter.setQuery(answer); No space is necessary. I would love to get some other fields in there, Heres a link that can help: The post Certified Diversity Recruiters appeared first on Crossfuze. Suspicious referee report, are "suggested citations" from a paper mill? We have an issue where we used this script to set the filter to active on loading the field and it was working great prior to Berlin. You should be able to add a line at the end of your script to set the focus on whatever field you want. Labels are the pretty version of the data that drives behind it. Per: : If you used window.onload before you might want to switch to dom:loaded because it will fire immediately after the HTML document is fully loaded, but before images on the page are fully loaded. Event.observe(window, load, function() Ive also re-written the code so that you only have to type in the list collector variable name one time per script., I am new to SN and have probably a basic question. Works like a Charm! There are some hacks you can try though. In Chrome, only 1 of the list collectors is being filtered (the last one to be called). Many thanks, Merry Christmas Please keep us up-to-date on any modifications or improvements you make. Unlike a traditional variable set, which is a collection of singular variables, a MRVS allows the population of an arbitrary* number of rows of data, displayed in a table format, with a series of predefined field columns. window[collectorName + g_filter].reset(); I guess there should be some additional options or parameters to pass to make it (export ?) The value is from the user profile. Then when you are opening the MRVS via the "Add" button, it invokes the "default value" script which reads it. In JavaScript, dynamic variable names can be achieved by using 2 methods/ways given below. Mark, do you know if there is a way to load the list collector with values other than the display value. Configure the dictionary of assignment_group You can also view the icons within. PTIJ Should we be afraid of Artificial Intelligence? This tool adds to your system, a Variable Set.This variable set contains a catalog client script, but no actual variables (this is expected). Ive updated the article above accordingly. Here's mine. Click a Data Pill Picker button to select a variable. What are some tools or methods I can purchase to trace a water leak? Often times a good client script may not run simply because another one is breaking and stopping all client-side processing. Hey Mark, I am trying to use list_collector variable ( Service Catalog). So I wanted to share our updated code, which so far is working well in Geneva. You can recursively call setMyFilter on a set interval, checking if the g_filter property of the list collector has been defined. source evaluates each line and actually executes them all, so my loop will eliminate that "problem" (if you consider it an issue). Setting environment variables with .bash_profile: only last export works properly, bash script to read first argument as input and look for variable in another file line by line, Take input from a file and store them in variable, Define variable using read from stdin of heredoc, Storing for loop value in specific variable, Invoke a program in a Bash script with command line parameters stored in a variable, Ackermann Function without Recursion or Stack. You only have control over what fields appear below the list collector when you click a record. Is there something wrong with security to table? Ive been trying to hide the information that appears below the List Collector when an item is selected with no luck. In this piece let us try to filter a Group catalog variable by Active, and filter the Member variable based on the the selected Group using Reference Qualifier. You must create a dictionary entry override for the incident table. We want to test that our qualifier works. as you see the second variables depends on the first one. So for others experiencing the issue, this is the reason we received why the action doesnt work: },1000); Thanks Matthew, this helped a lot. The way to add variables in the tasks without having to go through the workflow slush bucket (Catalog task activity) There are two ways to add the variables on the catalog task: Through the catalog task eference qualifiers are a powerful tool that every ServiceNow administrator and consultant should have in their tool belt. But I could be mistaken. Does Cosmic Background radiation transmit heat? var appCollectorSysID = form.getControl(collectorName).id; Unfortunately both methods return the same value, which is not the sys_id but must align to some other ID. The options as I saw them were these (none of these work); After talking about these options it was really clear that there should be another way. //Apply a default filter to the list collector variable rev2023.3.1.43269. While upgrading I noticed that this client script does not work in the Service Portal. Standard javascript has a focus() method you can use. you may want to just use set -a; . I simply get the sys_id of the list_collector itself, and use that as the filter. Is there is any document available for this? Once you have this entered click Submit. The article above has been updated to reflect these changes. I'm working on a catalog item that has a variable referencing the alm_hardware table that uses a qualifier to filter out only assets based on the cost center chosen (another variable): javascript: 'model_category=xxxx^install_status=x^cost_center='+current.variables.costcenter. The first piece is the 'Reference qual' field value on the dictionary entry of the reference field (Assignment group in this case). It would gather the sys_id of the storage box CIs and pass them back to the client. LC filters to all software items. These types of questions are probably better suited to the ServiceNow community site. Cookie Notice I believe its synchronous but Im not positive. San Diego. Any ideas? You can add this in your reference qual, Here requested_for is the variable that stores requester name, For your case, you could add the query as. nameOfCollectoracRequest(null); We found that this script doesnt always work in Geneva. The filter is set but returns no groups. Unfortunately I think youre stuck with what you see in that filter. 1. How to properly visualize the change of variance of a bivariate Gaussian distribution cut sliced along a fixed variable? There is a variable attribute now called no_filter that you can enter on the variable definition itself that performs that function now. I have managed to get the filter set, however it will not run automatically. This was just what I was looking for, thanks for sharing. You can send a copy of your script then well check the problem. You will need a variable of Category and a variable of Subcategory. New post: Application Portfolio Management (APM) assessment challenges, New post: Knowledge Translation using Localization Framework and Azure, New post: Localization framework fulfillment (LP, LRITM, LFTASK) Hi Mark! Hi Peter, Check out the updated article above for Service Portal-compatible scripts and let me know how it goes. Ive been using this solution for a while now and it works great. Note: If you are trying to filter your list collector in an onLoad script, you have to modify the script so that it waits for the list collector to be rendered before it sets the filter. Select SharePointIntegration on the left and go to the OnSave property. Is it possible to put an condition in the attribute field? This script came out of the following conversation on the community Slack (or Discord; I forget): I am looking for a way to generate sys_history_set records for a given task, without the user having to actually visit the task. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. / servicenow catalog variable types. Say you had a choice list of In order to do that you need to do the following: These methods are used to make custom changes to the form view of records. return; *Read the value of variable which used has entered on sel. In there something always bothered me. Did you change it so that it has the name of your variable? P.S : thanks a lot to Service-now Guru. It appears that the Berlin release may break some of this functionality. setTimeout(function(){ Great Article. Am I being scammed after paying almost $10,000 to a tree company not being able to withdraw my profit without paying a fee. Im not sure. //Type appropriate comment here, and begin script below If it isnt, then you can try using the script or error console in your browser and see if there are any errors. My list is on sys_user_group. I would give it a test in a ServiceNow demo instance and potentially contact ServiceNow support to take a look. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Variables allow you to specify questions for a catalog item. Normally a script would do a direct assignment, for example, gr.category = value . Thanks for sharing. WHEN 'WPIYWEEK'. filter.queryProcessed = true; By default it sets a filter where 'name != null' and 'sys_class_name (CI type)' is anything. Its Awesome. Lets try it out! In catalog item Server-StorageBox Event.observe(document, dom:loaded, function() {. Can I use this tire + rim combination : CONTINENTAL GRAND PRIX 5000 (28mm) + GT540 (24mm), Change color of a paragraph containing aligned equations. Any ideas on how to adapt the script to get it to play nicely with Service Portal? The delay was the trick I needed to get the filter to load correctly. When adding the Tree Picker, is there a way when user pick a member of the group it would be able to populate the Assigned To and Assignment Group in one pick? Basically the . The global object g_form is used to access GlideForm methods. Using a Script Include means that the script only gets loaded and used when you actually need to use it! Since Script Includes now allow you to use On-Demand functions, your script is identical to the one you would use in a global business rule. We are had issues with this in Geneva and now Helsinki. Ive cleaned up your script quite a bit, but Im not sure if its going to completely fix your issue because I dont have access to the instance youre working on. DATA LIST / var1 1-1 var2 3-3. After that's created we can set the preference with a client script. Skip to page content. The intention of this is to make the experience a little bit better for end users of the system but it also means that you, as an administrator, have to learn a few new tricks to deal with those differences. Is the Dragonborn's Breath Weapon from Fizban's Treasury of Dragons an attack? Since 2009, ServiceNow Guru has been THE go-to source of ServiceNow technical content and knowledge for all ServiceNow professionals. If your variables already have a relationship To start off, figure out if your two variables already have some sort of relationship. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? My next job here is to pass these values in the form and make similar setting at form as well. Most commonly people are exporting a variable and then doing something like somecmd "$myexportedvar". This training provides our recruiters with tools and strategies to improve our diversity and inclusion efforts. Id like to keep the client scripts at the item level because Im using the variable sets on other items. I can click the magnify glass and select the same value from the list and it then it filters correctly. Populate as many categories as you would like in here. For more information, please see our Here we created a new choice with the following. } If you can set it up in demo so that I can see the issue then I could try to take a look there. Thanks in advance, Correction to above: Your query would go to the relationship table and find any relationships to CIs of that class. Jordan's line about intimate parties in The Great Gatsby? Letting users select categories may be specific to the scope of the clients work. Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging Training, GlideDialogWindow: Advanced Popups Using UI Pages, Swapping Hardware Assets in ServiceNow with HAM Pro. if the assign_to field is not empty then tree_picker=false. getControl('caller_id'); toggleHelp ( myVar. Mark- is there a way to restrict the values returned form the filter to unique values? user changes choice to Hardware setTimeout(setCollectorFilter, 100); There is a list collector variable on the form that should only display values based on the auto populated variable. But the same is not working when we upgraded to Helsinki. On the define relationships form for CIs, I am interested in being able to make changes to the choice list in the filter when the class field is choosen. fil.rows[0].style.display = none; There is a list collector variable on the form that should only display values based on the auto populated variable. My use-case is that I have a script using sys_history_line records to get an array of all assignment groups to which a given task has ever been assigned. fil.rows[1].style.display = none; Is this the area wher it can be done. Notice that there's already something in there, SubmitForm (SharePointForm1). fil.nextSibling.rows[0].style.display = none; //Filter description text*/, //Reset the filter query Specific to the top, not the actual sys_id of the variable set is called quot. You would need to reference your script Include function instead of the variable ( vname ) property of server! Javascript: prefix is the same, but not the actual sys_id of the variable.... Names can be achieved by using 2 methods/ways given below hey Bill, Im glad youve found useful! Script doesnt always work in Geneva be used to set the focus on whatever field you.! A community post that lists an example that might move you a further! Can see the issue then I could try to take a look for! 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Kind of think this code was working even in Helsinki, but the... In EUT ive been trying to hide the filter to load the list collectors on my catalog request form can...? title=Variable_Types # list_collector, I am new to SN and have probably a basic question the Incident table a... Above to Include this check youre stuck with what you see in that filter another one breaking. In here Berlin release may break some of this functionality be used to access GlideForm methods code, so. My catalog request form mark- is there are any error messages Inclusion efforts a bivariate Gaussian distribution cut sliced a... Opinion ; back them up with references or personal experience but it was not answer! Im having is the same is not working when we upgrade to Helsinki to set preference... It possible to autopopulate field values with reference data you now the what the meaning the... On change of another field see our here we created a table and check the display.! Javascript, dynamic variable names can be done no longer works in.. Certified by the AIRS Certified diversity and Inclusion Recruiter course get this second variable ( serial number ) work! Client scripts at the end of your variable + g_filter ].setQuery ( filterString ) ; found! A form with a client script pretty version of the business rule function to hide the information appears!
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servicenow set variable based on another variable