and use the books which have the oral genealogies for the ali`i written down. Hnai adoptions were almost always of children from within ones family, with first-born males considered to belong to the fathers side and the first female child said to belong to the mothers side; if a grandparent asked for a grandchild, it was impossible to refuse the request. namesake of Kamehameha Paiea (born If you knew an alii, how would you show your respect? There was no patrilineal surname passed down to children. I went on the Internet and pulled them together. Keeaumoku Opio sealed Kamehameha's Uncertified copies of documents recorded as of January 1992 can be downloaded immediately after purchase. I draw lines to show possible relationships between people. All rights reserved. 1215-1245) Kalapana, 5 th Alii Aimoku of Hawaii (ca. respect and privileges befitting their former station and royal lineage. 1125-1155) Kukohou, 2 nd Alii Aimoku of Hawaii (ca. new court or were permitted to enter private life There are so many similarities between them and the Hebrews in our culture and their way of naming (Judah Ben Hur means Judah, son of Hur, which is the same format as the Hawaiian), that the anthropologists should wake up and change their theories. You have to start with a mess of stuff to organize. Father of Hakau-a-Liloa Hakau, 13th Alii Aimoku of Hawaii; Kapulani-Nui Kapukini I Kapulani-o-Liloa; Kealiiokalaloa and Umi-a-Liloa I ike ia n ke alii i ka nui o n makainana.A chief is known by his many followers. It had all of her brothers and sisters listed. (lelo Noeau #1172). How do leaders in todays society differ from alii of the past? Alii nui of the Big Island [ edit] Pilikaaeia, 1110-1130 Kukohou, 1130-1150 Kaniuhu, 1150-1180 Kanipahu, 1180-1210 Kamaiole, usurper of Kanipahu, deposed by Kalapana, 1245-1250 2550 McCarthy Mall 5. Kalanikaiokikilo's niece Keopuolani to marry the new king Kamehameha the Great These were three of the most important jobs of the alii: caring for the makainana, caring for the akua, and performing the klaiina. The second marriage license listed the full names of her biological Hawaiian parents, with her adoptive mom asa witness. Kame'eiamoku and Kamanawa are the royal twins which appear on the Great hereditary rank was so high and whose kapus were so numerous and 2550 McCarthy Mall !function(c,h,i,m,p){m=c.createElement(h),p=c.getElementsByTagName(h)[0],m.async=1,m.src=i,p.parentNode.insertBefore(m,p)}(document,"script",""); Native Hawaiian genealogy presents an idiosyncratic slew of challenges and familial puzzles to solve. Its the aha! Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. Liloa built the heiau of honuula in Waipio Valley, his home. As you can see, the role of the alii changed over time; however, their kuleana to the makainana and the akua remained. These included the kahuna (priestesses and priests, experts, craftsmen, and canoe makers) as part of four professions practiced by the nobility. Kalaniwaiakua Kekumanomanookekapu, the chiefess of Maui "whose head under his control, he created a unified Hawaiian Kingdom. You may also search for land records by putting in the Tax Map Key Number, any search terms, and format. This page has been viewed 12,793 times (0 via redirect). 1. There were different levels of alii. It was in the books at theBishop Museum. The Hawaiian Islands are in the North Pacific Ocean. This website provides an explanation of Land and Tax Appeal Courts in Hawai'i. About Liloa, 12th Alii Aimoku of Hawaii Liloa 1435 - 1495 ruled as the 12th Alii Aimoku of Hawaii 1465 - 1495. The representatives were voted in by the people. You would find her on childhood documents by this name. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. If you would like to cross-search multiple LCA documents, it is recommended to use the "Knowledge Well" database (link located on bottom of 'Hawai'i Land Documents' page). He is represented as an affable, jolly monarch, who frequently traveled over the island, kept the other chiefs quiet, and protected the landholders. He joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and researched his wifes family. What are some other places that are associated with rulers of the past? The anthropologists dont agree that Thor Hyerdahls theory of how the Polynesians migrated is true. [1] [2] The alii consisted of the higher and lesser chiefs of the various levels on the islands. Traditionally, Hawaiians had many types of names, such as a spiritual name, a secret name, a nickname, or a name inspired by an event. I think that you cant dismiss anything, but when youre researching, you shouldnt have this specific goal in mind, says Mulligan, adding that you cant shove square sources into round holes. Mookauhau Research Guide and Worksheets. Queen Lili'uokalani was really named Kamaka eha,which means sore Eyes. The people in the palace had Pink Eye at the time she was born. There were eleven classes of alii, of both men and women. court because of her reduced status. This is an in-depth account of the deaths and funeral of the traditional nobility of the Hawaiian Islands. The Hanai system, where families give their children to a relative to raise, is an educative device. The akua were prayed to for food, health, wealth, success, rain, wind, surf, and various other aspects of life. It I went onto the Internet at and found a Kahele Uwekoolani. Hawaiians like to do things the way we want to, and not the way someone tells us to. Constitution is formed.1841 The Hawaiian Historical Association is formed, with Kamehameha elected as president.1842 The United States recognizes Hawaii as an independent kingdom.1847 TheGreat Mahele, a division of Hawaiis land among royalty, chiefs, commoners, and whites, is begun. Each island was divided into moku divisions. Genealogy of the ancient chiefs of Hawaii, including: an alphabetical list and individual index of Alii names; Family Charts; Rulers of the Islands; and Hawaiian Royalty Today. Kamehameha's war of conquest and raised by the understanding of how the members of family, this senior Keawe line, A chart The common people (maka`ai na na) were only allowed to keep their genealogy for 3 generations. This chart shows also Also, of course, ask your relatives. I can locate the films, or use them at the Library when I have time. Actually, his fathers name was also Pekelo. She includes her official protest and analysis of the annexation treaty that U.S. President McKinley sent to the U.S. Senate on June 16, 1897. royal chiefs Kalaniulumoku I and Kalaniulumoku II Important exports are sugar, pineapple, macadamia nuts and coffee. Kalanikauiokikilo's high ranking mother Kalola, Queen of caused her to take her own There would be five or six ahupua'a (districts) on an island. Its easy to put what your understanding of the current law is on the past and to just assume that its the same, but in reality, you really cant, says Mulligan, who owns Discover Your Ohana, which offers professional genealogical services. Her mother was Hattie Opealu Papa. following the death of his brother. Alii refers to the ruling class of Hawaii prior to the formation of the united kingdom. chart also shows descent from his grandson, Keawemauhili whose 1785 Trading ship lands while en route to China. When I visited the Hawaii State Archives and pulled the two marriage licenses, my eyes could have lit up the room. Pili, 1 st Alii Aimoku of Hawaii (ca. The information provided here includes the book (volume), section, page, or case number of the original record. Land Court is governed by the Hawai'i Revised Statutes, Chapter 501. Since our ancestors either did not have surnames yet, or they were taking on surnames in the 1850s rather arbitrarily and not in a uniform manner, it is a challenge to put families together. 808-956-7203 (Circulation), Library Digital Collections Disclaimer and Copyright information. The two I organized them by film number and kept track of the item number of the record on the film. If that information is RED, click on it to view the record. He was the son of King Kihanuilulumoku, 11th Alii Aimoku of Hawaii and Waoilea. Each island had its matriarchal order, and land was inherited through it.1778 British Captain Cook anchors at Waimea, Kauai, having first seen Oahu. Land Court System or the Torren's title documents are those that have gone through judicial review, survey, and title abstract to determine ownership regarding their property. Keoni Ana was John Young, who was secretary to Kamehameha. Polo-ahi-lana (Pauhilani) Be sure to keep a written note of the sources where your printouts and copies came from. Although genealogy continued as a major factor in determining the right to rule in Hawai'i, the . always be positioned [3][4] The noho alii were the ruling chiefs. the highly coveted prostrating kapu called Pihenakalani. mana and ritual purity of the offspring. subsequently sentence to death by the angry Kamehameha, but a female attendant named This was one way the ali`i kept in control. Going back another generation in searches should show what family names were before thechanges. Then you can organize it. But you may be lucky like me and find an ancestors name. For example, Opu nui is a common name like Smith from different islands, and those people are not related. The alii followed very strict kapu (laws) because of their sacredness. Hawaiian chants can go back as far as 90 generations. Maintaining their relationship with the akua in turn helped preserve their mana. I have an aunt who is 88. mana and royal purity of the resulting offspring. My grandfather, Jeremiah Burns, raised my dad. showing descent from King Kuali'i (Kualiilanipipililanioakaiakunuiakealuanuuokuiialiiikahalau) through his grandson Kahalu`u is the ahupaua`a (place) where my grandmothers family lived. Full prostration in the presence of Her father was the Prince Haae-a-Mahi of Hawai`i, son of the High . It is also very close to Tahitian. Genealogy for Kanekuka'ailani Kamakahukilani (I) I-Kanaka, Ali'i Chiefess from 'I family in Hilo on Big Island. The glottal stop is replaced by a t, but the rest is the same. conquered chiefs bowed to and sought favors from Kamehameha, And we dont have books about, you know, everyday people, about commoners or about makainana, Tamashiro says. supporters of Kamehameha the Great and dedicated their lives to his rise to power. in the new kingdom with the after his conquest of Maui. He was the son of King Kihanuilulumoku, 11th Alii Aimoku of Hawaii and Waoilea. Ku-Kailimoku in the at the temple where law breaking chiefesses were by custom executed Hawaiian Genealogy Indexes Hawaiian Genealogy Indexes Introduction Advanced search introduction Browse the Genealogy Indexes Marriages - Hawaii Island - 1832-1910 Marriages - Hawaii Island - 1911-1929 Marriages - Kauai Island - 1826-1910 Marriages - Kauai Island - 1910-1929 Marriages - Maui Island - 1842-1910 Marriages - Maui Island - 1911-1929 I make them again and again as I get more information. Keawepoepoe's son was the famous war leader Keeaumoku (Keeaumoku Papaiahiahi The alii nui is the supreme ruler (sometimes called the "King" or Moi) of the island. If they were not happy under the rule of one alii they might move to another district. For more information visit their Genealogy Research Guideand in particular their Genealogical Research Aid: Hawaiians that is linked on their research guide. severe that religious protocols required she during the day she must Hawaiians find out Cook is not Lono and kill him at Kealakekua Bay, Kona, Hawaii. To get photos of Hawaiian ancestors, there is a book in the Bishop Museum by a Mr. Sullivan. Under the alii ai moku were lesser chiefs known as kaukaualii. My father died a few years ago, and my mother was sealed to him, and I was sealed to both of them. The first protestant missionaries arrive in Hawaii. Kamehameha became the m after he politically united the islands under one government. Supplements manuscript genealogies at Hawaii State Archives. Features House of Kamehameha, House of Kalakaua, and House of Kawananakoa. 808-956-7214 (Reference) The human In some families, different children would take different parts of the name or take their own occupation as their name. Tax records go geographically. Hawai'i has two systems for recording real property documents, the Regular System and the Land Court System, or both, depending which system was originally used for the property. Later in life, while travelling near the borders of the Hamakua and Hilo districts, (The legend says that he had been to Koholalele in Hamakua to consecrate the Heiau called Manini, and that, passing from there, he stopped at Kaawikiwiki, and at the gulch of Hoea, near Kealakaha, he fell in love with Akahiakuleana.). Make ke hao can mean eyes lookbut it can also mean hearts Desire.There is an image for each name. They would take a pigs head and put it on a stake to identify where the district starts. Once you have located a document, it can often be viewed, downloaded, and printed. The word alii has a similar meaning in the Samoan language and other Polynesian languages, and in Mori it is pronounced "ariki". I have a file folder for family names that are organized and another folder with the family names that just arent organized or verified yet. I think a lot of people get really angry towards their kpuna that they didnt record information. For instance, prior to 1860, when the Hawaiian kingdom passed the surname law, Hawaiians used singular names. For most people, there will be one point where it is possible one of your lines may be ali`i (royal or noble people). His grandfather (Christian Olsen, Sr.) was Norwegian and his grandmother (Sophie Weber) was from Germany. However, Kaumualii, the alii of Kauai and Niihau, was allowed to remain the ruler of his island kingdom until his death years after Kamehameha united the islands. It's also one of the many things that make Hawaiian genealogy unique. The alii nui were in charge of overseeing the alii ai moku. Understanding practices of the time also helps with knowing what to look for. A childless couple could be given a child from another family to overcome the terribleness of having no children. Mahis name was Mahi `a Loli. was the great Kalanikauleleaiwi, Queen of genealogies as they relate to the Kekoolani family. [1][2] The alii consisted of the higher and lesser chiefs of the various levels on the islands. But Kalanikaukiokikilo, Kalola's eldest Many Hawaiian families are My father (Henry Olaf Olsen) was part Norwegian. They are in the archives under DOE. Use of this site implies consent with our Usage Policy. This chart corrects common errors in the current He succeeded on the death of his father in 1465. See Step 5 for a pedigree chart and 2 family group records. 1850 Businessmen begin to arrive in Hawaii.1852 Arrival of Chinese immigrants to Hawaii.1853 A smallpox epidemic kill 5,000 to 6,000 Hawaiians.1854King Kamehameha dies. Finally, the ancestral lands passed on to Native Hawaiian descendants from our ali'i, the monarchy, and our kupuna are integral to the health and well-being of Native Hawaiians as a people. They burn the heiau and idols and abolish the kapu system.1820 Joseph Smiths first vision. Kalanikauiokikilo I looked under Kiribati and printed out all of the Kiribati record descriptions. My grandmothers mothers parents were born in 1816 or 1818 in the district of Kahikinui and Kanaiao on Maui. A chart Some Hawaiians also found it more prestigious during the 1920s and 30s to claim to be half Caucasian or half Chinese, even when the family was pure Hawaiian, and claim Caucasian-sounding names. Because of this, the name Moki means pigs head. Alii were given the right to rule through their mookauhau (genealogy or family line). of pio (interfamily) marriages within the Maui royal family as they The name Nani is short for Haunani, and my other name is Lovelee. individual islands were deposed. In some cases, when Chinese immigrants and Hawaiians married, surnames would be Hawaiianized, such as Ah Kam becoming Akamu or Wai becoming Awai. See more Alii, or rulers, made up the chiefly class in traditional Hawaiian society. In 1840, Kamehameha III, Kauikeaouli, declared Hawaii a constitutional monarchy. The Churches wanted to get people married in the Christian way. Grandfather Burns married a pure Hawaiian woman. blazing hereditary kapus were intertwined and magnified through The histories that accompany the pedigrees give the context of time and place for the persons in the pedigrees. Links to reprint (published after 1904) of 1898 edition. He was sovereign king or chief of the island of Hawaii. Future scholars will write and translate ancient Hawaiian history into English.1832 Protestant missionaries complete the translation of the New Testament from Greek to Hawaiian.1834 First newspaper in the Hawaiian language Ke Kumu Hawaii, is printed in Honolulu1835 A Protestant minister, Sheldon Dibble, organizes the Hawaiian Historical Society at Lahainaluna, Maui. You have to go with the sources.. Half brother of Hoolana. Genealogy chants such as this one are revered in Hawaii as they affirm the connections between people and the land upon which they live. Print out a copy of the microfilm page where you found information and write the film number in the margin of the printouts. The ruling people of Hawaii (the ali`i) were actually from Tahiti. life. his son the high chief of Oahu, Kauai and Hawaii known as Keawepoepoe, whose mother Hewahewa prophesies God will soon land yonder, pointing northeast1822 The Hawaiian language is written. Go out and pull in a whole bunch of information and then try to connect the people into families by using places and dates. Use of this site implies consent with our Usage Policy. Hereditary line of Liloa is broken by the usurping rule of Alapainui. The Knowledge Well is designed for cross-searching and advance-compilation searches of this LCA database. Tamashiro thinks the desire to be linked to alii is the product of our historiography. Lineage (from King Kahahana). Please note that documents available for purchase on this site are general indexes from 1976. Keku'iapoiwanui Liliha and Report verifying genealogical linkage of manuscript, "Na Mo'i o Kaho'olawe" to the main body of genealogical records. He signed documents in the 1850's. The alii made sure the heiau (temples) were built and cared for properly. It would be triangle-shaped, with the apex in the mountains and the base on the beach. Useful bibliography and research process. Members of this line married into the Kamehamehas, including Charles Kanaina and Kekanoa. He carried the "sacred slab of Liloa" to make a pavement of stones leading from the bank of the place called Kahiki-mai-aea to the narrow side door of the chief's residence. genealogical relationship of the Kekoolani Families sent their children to live with a family who had the interest of the children as a trade. high chiefs was not permitted or practised on the island of Hawaii. The ancient religious practice of interfamily marriages, Alexander Liholiho becomesKamehameha IV.1861 Death of King Kamehameha IV. According to his mother's instructions, though contrary to the rules of etiquette observed by strangers or inferior visitors, instead of entering the courtyard by the gate, he leaped over the stockade, and instead of entering the mansion by the front door, he entered by the back door, and went straight up to where Liloa was relcining and set himself down in Liloa's lap. Koolaupoko, Kona, Ewa, Waianae, Waialua, and Koolauloa are the six moku of Oahu Island. The names were picturesque as well as unique, and they were in a special rhythm. After having brought them The Great Mahele, or Divison was a land redistribution act by King Kamehameha III and enacted in 1848. In Hawaiian with English translation. Kamehameha Paiea's biological father was Kahekili, Old Kingdom of Maui - Kekaulike A Hawaiian Studies instructional supplement that provides brief biographies of prominent members in the Kamehameha 'ohana, from Kamehameha to Bernice Pauahi Bishop. You may search the Land Commission Awards (LCA's) by Book (Volume) and page number. Please view the PAPAKILO DATABASE TUTORIAL VIDEO. The nui title could be passed on by right of birth. I do this so I can remember which film it was taken from. through his mother, the legendary chiefess Lonomaaikanaka, first This is very similar to the relationship between an older and younger sibling. In They said, This isnt for you, or This isnt important for you to move forward and so Im not going to say anything. And all of these different reasons or personal family choices is why certain families dont have that information.. One of the great Hawaiian cosmogonic genealogies, the Kumulipo, was performed at the birth of Kauikeaouli, second born sacred son of Kamehameha I. Older couples got married, so you cant estimate birth dates of the children from the Protestant marriage records. Her niece Keopualani and sister Keku'iapoiwanui Liliha fared better as the mother The first license I found listed her adoptive parents. All Hawaiian monarchs after Kamehameha III were the children of Kaukaualii fathers who married higher ranking wives. Brother of Kaunuamoa and Kepailiula 1819 Death of King Kamahemeha I. Liholiho becomesKamehameha II and rules with Hewahewa as Kahuna Nui (high priest). The green binder hassheets for my mothers fathers line. Maui's ancient history, as with all the islands, was passed down through close to 100 generations by the kahuna priests of old Hawaii. Looking at documentation through a lens of social and cultural practices of that time period also helps make sense of what you find. It would be good to scan the pictures into a computer to preserve them. Information from these indexes can be retrieved by the word search above. GENEALOGY. The capital city of Hawaii is Honolulu. was eventually discovered and involuntarily brought to live at Kamehameha's court Pihana heiau on the night of Koloa of the moon month. Oral histories speak of people sailing from Kahiki (usually understood to be Tahiti). Ali'i Genealogy Charts of the Kekoolani Family King Kamehameha I (Kamehameha Paiea, Kamehameha Nui, Kamehameha the Great) conquered and subdued the people of all the islands in the late 1700's and early 1800's. After having brought them under his control, he created a unified Hawaiian Kingdom. An alii who was greedy and did not take care of the citizens might be abandoned or even killed. the end of their thousand year dynasty. Native Hawaiian population has declined from 300,000 in 1778 to 50,000.1873William C. Lunalilio is elected as the first Hawaiian Monarch.1874 Lunalilio dies and David Kalakaua is elected to be the Hawaiian Monarch.1875 Arrival of Portuguese immigrants in Hawaii.1881 Arrival of Norwegian and German immigrants in Hawaii.1883 Coronation of King Kalakaua and Queen Kapiolani.1891 King David Kalakaua dies and Liliuokalani is elected to be the Hawaiian Monarch.1893The government is overthrown and a Provisional Government is established.1900 Arrival of Okinawan and Puerto Rican immigrants in Hawaii.1901 Hawaiian territorial government formally established. (Kekaulikeokalanikuihonoikamoku), King of Maui, through his son Kamehamehanui Ailuau, King of Maui, who was also the uncle and She, along with professional genealogist Ami Mulligan, led a series of genealogy workshops at the Waiwai Collective earlier this year. 4. Kalawainui Kaluhikai, and the family of Queen Emma, we shall recapitulate their genealogy and include the names of alii who were not mentioned in the story. In order to maintain a good relationship with the akua, the alii had to observe pule (prayers) and rituals of the different gods. (lelo Noeau #1876). In order to show the relationship of the Hidden Alii, Kalawainui Kaluhikai, and the family of Queen Emma, we shall recapitulate their genealogy and include the names of alii who were not mentioned in the story. Rianna M. Williams is an independent historian specializing in the Hawaiian monarchy period. He was a ruling chief, a sacred high chief (ali'i nui kapu) who was noted for his good deeds. In the 1920s he went around the islands and took pictures of the islanders. Get background information and make a time line. approached Records can get lost or burned in fires, kpuna might not have participated in the Territory of Hawaii census nor claimed land during its redistribution in the Mhele, when the concept of privately-owned property was instated by the government. Liloa's first wife was Pinea or Piena, a Maui chiefess, with whom he had a son, Hakau, and a daughter, Kapukini. I was raised by my grandmother. voluntarily disguised and substituted herself for Kalanikauiokikilo Some alii even had a personal god that they inherited to care for. Legends make no mention of any wars or contentions having occurred during Liloa's long reign to disturb the tranquillity of Hawaii. An alii who took care of the citizens and was fair would have a large, productive society. King Kahahana's descent Umi proceeded alone to the royal mansion, not far distant. Its also one of the many things that make Hawaiian genealogy unique. Before this, the Hawaiian Islands was ruled by a network of independent I also did that for Hawaii. Based on genealogies gathered by Hawaiian assistants who for three years, gathered legends, chants, prayers, history and culture of Hawaiians. Opio His Royal Genealogy goes back to the beginning of time in a long line of Kings and High Chiefs before King Kamehameha the Great united the Hawaiian Islands as T he Kingdom of Hawai'i. B. Featheran, Jr. is from the Gilbert Islands, the island of Kiribati. Ancestry is a useful website. 1. There were two other groups that helped to govern: the House of Nobles and the House of Representatives. Thus began a tradition upheld by Kamehameha I when he defeated his rival cousin, Kiwalao. Redirect ) recorded as of January 1992 can be retrieved by the word above! Viewed, downloaded, and those people are not related recorded as of January can..., Jr. is from the article title koolaupoko, Kona, Ewa,,... Item number of the islanders 4 ] the noho alii were given the right to rule in Hawai #... I think a lot of people sailing from Kahiki ( usually understood to linked! To connect the people in the Christian way and researched his wifes family Hawaiian families my! 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