There are some similarities between the two animals. Body size and facial features indicate a mule deer but the tail is usually dark chocolate brown or black on top and white underneath. Eastern north america is dominated by white tailed deer. Key deer live in and around the Florida keys, with the males growing only to about 50lbs. Mule deer feel safest on brush covered hillsides, deep draws and areas that offer a good mix between browsing and grazing options. Now calling them just deer is an understatement. The blacktail deer doesnt have this feature, with the fur on its rump being the same color as the rest of its body. Everything You Want To Know About Muntjac, Discover The Largest Whitetail Deer Ever Recorded, What Do White-Tailed Deer Eat? While deer can be albinos, it's exceedingly rare. Assume those links are affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you click and buy. The blacktail is notorious not only for being difficult to hunt, but just to see one. A whitetail gets its name from its tail. You must log in or register to reply here. For the rifle hunters, a flat shooting caliber such as .270, .243 or .30-06 would be ideal for blacktail and achieve the desired result. Deer vs Reindeer: What Are 8 Key Differences? In the warmer months, blacktail moves to higher elevations into steep mountain ranges where there are fewer predators and new growth of vegetation. They have a distinct white patch that covers a fairly large area on their rear. When it comes to identifying the differences between the two, we can start with the names of each deer. They prefer more open, sparsely forested areas that have rugged, rocky terrain. They can be considered the same sub-species. Click here for Deer Tracks Chart Hey I'm Karson. And remembering the names of each as the main identifier can be helpful when youre looking for those signs. They follow a similar pattern to blacktails, avoiding the deep snow by going to lower elevations in the winter and moving higher in the summer. But there are certainly more differences. They also eat forbs and lichens, but they also eat cranberries, elderberries, and huckleberries. With trophy deer tipping the scale at 130-150 pounds. Ears are normally larger than a whitetail but smaller than a mule deer. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'outdoorsmecca_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_10',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-outdoorsmecca_com-medrectangle-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'outdoorsmecca_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_11',107,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-outdoorsmecca_com-medrectangle-4-0_1');.medrectangle-4-multi-107{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Whitetail deer have spread out more than mule deer. Black-tailed deer primarily range in Britain Columbia and Alaska. When tracking deer, it could be difficult to know which of the two are nearby without seeing them for yourself. They can be found in meadows, forest edges, and fields. Mule deers form larger groups than blacktails, so fighting over social hierarchy and mating order is more common, explaining the need for stronger, bigger antlers. Salem, OR 97302 Seeing a white deer can be a good omen in this regard. I graduated from Rowan University in 2014 with degrees in English and Education. Depending on what part of the country you are in, you will find mule deer everywhere from 12000 foot tall mountain peaks to flat cornfields in eastern Colorado. 4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE They tend not to spook as easy as whitetails. Site by Gray Loon. The larger ears found on desert Muleys allow them to stay cooler when its hotter out, and the smaller ones found on the mountain muleys translate to them staying a little warmer. This is not a common phenomenon for blacktail deer. Mule deer have longer, pointy, and floppier ears than whitetail deer. Here Is the Latest Info. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'outdoorsmecca_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_16',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-outdoorsmecca_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Blacktail deer can be found along the west coast, from southern Alaska, to British Columbia, to northern Mexico, and even to islands off the coast of Vancouver. While they share similarities and can cohabitate, there are distinct differences in their size, appearances, habitats, and other factors that make each species unique. They use it like a horse uses their tail and keep moving it around to ward off flies. Deer Population by State: How Many Deer are in the U.S.? Another key difference between Muleys and Whitetail deer is their tails. And start the migration generally the first week of bow season regardless of the weather. Whitetail deer will have a different pattern all together. deer, (family Cervidae), any of 43 species of hoofed ruminants in the order Artiodactyla, notable for having two large and two small hooves on each foot and also for having antlers in the males of most species and in the females of one species. The white-tailed deer is larger than the black-tailed deer, weighing up to 405 lbs, while the black-tailed deer weighs 225 lbs at its maximum. In the Coastal Regions of North Carolina, the average size of a Whitetail is a mere 100 pounds or less. Fun Fact: They are the only British deer with palmate antlers (meaning a similar shape to hands or feet). A whitetail is a whitetail, and there is nothing else like it. Not all do, though. When you are creeping in on a big mule deer, be sure to move slow and remain as quiet as possible. In terms of body size and weight there is not a massive difference, its not as if we are comparing elk to pronghorns, so this info alone is not enough to confidently declare them as being vastly different. The Columbia blacktails have bigger racks.. They raise their tails in alarm when they detect threats. Mule deer behave much differently than whitetails. Whitetail deer's ears are still large but not as large as a mule deer's. The most obvious difference between these two species is their tails. Color variations between the two species are subtle but stand out once you see them. Learn more about us & read our affiliate disclosure. They live in the southern half of Canada except near the west coast and almost all of the U.S. except for the Southwest near the Rocky Mountains. Physical differences are often the biggest points that are used by those who consider the mule deer and blacktail deer to be different. Hunting in heavy snowed areas makes things a little easier, especially when picking up tracks but their bodies tend to stand out a more behind the white background. Remember, Bergmanns Rule applies to whitetail females while it doesnt hold any sway over blacktail females. In contrast, whitetails coat looks more like reddish, brown color shades. It takes 100" to make book for a Sitka, and 125" for a Columbia. Thanks, Mule Deer vs Whitetail 8 Key Differences To Tell Them Apart, Mule Deer vs. Whitetail Deer Visual Differences, indigenous to the Western North American belt, Mounting And Sighting In A Rifle Scope Updated [2021], Elk vs Moose The 7 Key Differences To Help You Tell The Two Apart, Best Single Stage Reloading Press Top 5 For 2021, Best Rubber Hunting Boots Reviews And Buyers Guide, Best Light For Coyote Hunting Full Buyers Guide, Best Night Vision Scope For Coyote Hunting Full Buyers Guide, Best Coyote Decoy For 2021 Full Buyers Guide. Black-tailed females can reach up to 130lbs while whitetail females generally reach 155lbs. The best plan of attack would be to find their ideal habitat, a place that offers a balance of safety with thick cover and spread-out openings where they can catch some sun rays and feed on the edge of a meadow, a cut line or if the terrain allows, they have been known to feed along the shoreline. Today, it can still be a means of survival for people but it has turned into more of a tradition. in SW Oregon you have some chaparral/oaks/ with doug fir forests. Today, were going to explore the many differences between the white-tailed deer vs black-tailed deer and show you what sets these creatures apart. Its estimated that there are 30 million deer worldwide. Throughout most of the year, both blacktails and mule deer like to travel alone or in very small groups. The size difference in the heads is only slight, and it would be difficult to tell them apart without physically measuring them. Whitetail deer have a brown rump and only the underside of its tail is white. Axis Deer vs Whitetail Deer: You Should Know These Differences! This is especially true when the north and south variations of Bergmanns Rule are in effect. Whether they are the same or not there are definitely some differences in their appearance and habitats. It takes 100" to make book for a Sitka, and 125" for a Columbia. Blacktails have slightly larger heads with black patterning around the brows. Whitetail are the oldest living species of deer at 3.5 million years old. And you should never just use one or two of these visual characteristics to make the decision to shoot. The mule deer has done increasingly well at adapting to drier more arid areas. The blacktail and the whitetail are different species. I've measured P&Y Blacktails who have won the biennual bowhunting awards in California bigger than any Mule deer I've killed. Whitetail deer vary significantly in size and usually weigh between about 90 to 200 pounds. The mule deer is indigenous to the Western North American belt. Blacktails, on the other hand, have all black tails. As the white-tailed deers name suggests, this creature has a bushy, brown tail with a white underside. They tend to live near rivers and fields where water and food are easy to come by. Their ranges occasionally intercept, where you would be able to find both species in the same area. This type of deer is polyestrous and is a short day breeder. Their tracks and scat are almost identical, and they interact with their surroundings nearly the same way as well, as youll see chewed shrubs and foliage. A freelance writer of over 5 years, Thomas combines his passion for the great outdoors and writing skills to provide expert information & guides. So for instance, a buck comes in and you can see a 7" G2, a 6" G3 and a 3" G4. The greatest differences between a white-tailed deer and a black-tailed deer can be found in their morphology and size. Whitetails also have a higher birth rate, their does can often breed their first fall at 6 months of age. White-tailed deer and mule deer have slightly different reproduction and mating cycles. Mule Deer vs Black-tailed Deer: What Are the Differences? They also live in the desert southwest, near the coast in California and in the subtropical forests of western Washtington. There are many factors to differentiate mule deer and whitetail deer for hunting or observing their lifestyles. So, as with all of these individual traits, observe with caution and never use just one to decide what species of deer youre looking at. Each species offers a very unique adventure that outdoorsmen cherish. The rut runs from early November to late December, and just like any other male of the species, the big bucks will drop their guard and all common sense goes out the window as they chase the does. The antlers of the mule deer and blacktail are bifurcated, which means they fork as they grow. An interesting thing that kept coming up while doing research into the mule deer vs blacktail saga, was the number of journals that referred to the blacktail as a sub-species of mule deer and then seemingly the same number of journals that referred to the mule deer as a hybridized species of the blacktail. Stories of successfully calling in muleys or bringing in bucks by rattling antlers together are few and far between, but it may still be a good option to get a buck to show himself, if the signs of tracks are fresh and you are certain he is held up in some dense brush. The black-tailed deer is a subspecies of the mule deer. It was a means of survival for our early ancestors. Contact 503-947-6042 orclick here. A constant debate that seems to emerge around the fireplace at hunting camp is the question of are mule deer and blacktail the exact same species or completely different? Blacktail mothers are more protective and will chase away other deer to protect their young. Whitetail and Mule deer share a pretty common DNA; however, with Blacktail, there are many more differences found within. . Opportunities will be brief as the blacktail moves through the vegetation, so you need to be ready and will not have the time to get up and move closer or into a better position. As the name suggests, black-tailed deer have a wide, triangular tail with a dark brown or black top and a white underside. Interesting. Key deer are a close subspecies of whitetail, and they would be much larger if they lived in north Alabama. A larger front track (above) of a white-tailed deer is stepped on by a smaller hind track. For instance, a black-tailed deer typically has a lot of black shading on the brows which are notably absent on the whitetail. Whitetail and mule deer are two related deer . White-tailed: tail is very fluffy and white; will "flag" tail in the air when alarmed Mule: tail is thin . The Sitka black-tailed deer ( Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis) is smaller, stockier, and has a shorter face than other members of the black-tailed group. Do Cast Iron Wood Stoves Need Fire Bricks? What to put in water when boiling deer skull. Mule deer developed as a hybridized species between blacktail deer and whitetail deer, probably on the Rocky Mountain front. Their dull brownish color alone is enough to make spotting them difficult, but it is often their whitish rumps that are a giveaway. The black-tailed mature bucks, specifically the Columbia blacktail deer, weigh in around 150 to 200lbs with the does coming in considerably lighter. The print of a deer's cloven hoof is a split heart shape. Its not reliable enough on its own. Is the general behavior of the backtail deer very different than that of the whitetail. Meanwhile, the black-tailed deer only reaches a weight of 225 pounds, stands between 2 and 3.7 feet tall, and grows between 4 and 5.5 feet long. Do not hesitate to call your local Game Warden or Department of Natural Resources if you have questions. Pumps, Automatics, Over & Unders, Side by Sides, Single Shot & more. For example, a buck may have a net score of 155 as a typical, but a net score of 185 as a non-typical. Animals in colder and more northern regions are larger compared to those animals who live in warm, more southern regions. This process usually involves removing the entrails, reproductive tract, heart, lungs, diaphragm and part of the esophagus. They look different, live in different spots, and come from different species. That said, where whitetails and mule deer ranges overlap, mule deer are typically bigger on an age-class-to-age-class basis. Doing my best to understand these guys so I can make the best of, and learn from what I see out scouting. Our blacktails in the Cascades have some muley influence and migrate. 7+6+3=16. HYBRIDIZATION HAPPENS. Theyre also in British Columbia, Canada, and portions of Alaska. A mule deer's ears are angular about 30 degrees from its head, whereas whitetail deer's ears are quite round and vertical in comparison. The smaller blacktail deer has a length of about 4 feet but only maxes out at 5.5 feet while standing a few inches shorter than the mule deer at about 3.7 feet. I hunt the same area Dan does and just wanted to say that I have seen scrapes and rubs, but the only place I've ever seen 'em is down along the river. In fact, Mule deer and Whitetail can have hybrid offspring, though it is very uncommon, and most do not survive. And what makes it even harder is the almost never-ending barrage of rain and thick fog that moves through area. 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difference between whitetail and blacktail deer